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Saturday, July 9, 2011

sun sinks sanur

sanur be alternative perfect to go on vacation with a purpose to placidity. not as crowded as and sehinggar binggar kuta, but permanent offered preoccupation aloof. found hotel inn place from world class hotel likes balinese hyatt sanur and sanur beach hotel until jasmine hotel under 100.000 rupiah.

if want to see sun sinks (sunset) must at kuta, so to see sunrise (sunrise) coast sanur the place. from coast sindhu we can see sunrise scenery very spectacular. don't forget to bring camera to eternalize it. sun sinks so beautiful looked at

tourists from outside balinese like bus group from surabaya, unlucky, yogya, single, jakarta and another cities at java and even sumatra almost certainly will 'anchor' formerly at region sanur this to will remove tired all at once will begin their long tour. also many for examples from america, australian, english, japanese to see the beautiful sun sinks at sanur balinese.

especially alongside lake road tamblingan, here in a row hotels as place stay absolute at region sanur. belong also mendalamnya hotspot likes pothouse, discotheque but not as crowded as at kuta and delicious restaurant that presents indonesia menu and abroad.

tour object bedugul bali

at tour object bedugul bali found a balinese temple that named balinese temple at ulun danu located in lake edge beratan. balinese temple ulun danu at believe as goddess burial place sri or goddess kesububuran. tour object bedugul bali beautiful and filled by that good foreign countries tourist from america, english, italian, spain

tour object bedugul located in yellow temple village, district baturit regency tabanan approximately the distance 45 km from regency downtown and the distance from city denpasar around 50 km borthwards follow balinese temple highway reside in lakeside beratan, balinese temple name ulun danu taken from lake word.

tour object bedugul urian balinese temple history ulun danu beratan known from archaeology and history data found in throw babad mengwi. on the left balinese temple front page ulun danu beratan found a sarkopagus and a stone board, come from tradition time megalitik, around 500 sm. second artefak now being laided each above babaturan or porch is estimated where balinese temple ulun danu beratan, used as place to carry out ritual activity since age megalitik.

in throw babad mengwi implied elaborate that me great the putu as kingdom founder mengwi establishes balinese temple at lake edge beratan, before he establishes park balinese temple swings in throw is not mentioned to when him establish balinese temple ulun danu beratan, but found in throw that park balinese temple opinion swings the ceremony goes on on anggara kliwon medangsia year saka sad bhuta yaksa god that is year caka 1556 or 1634 m. based on explanation in throw babad mengwi known that balinese temple ulun danu beratan founded before year saka 1556, by me great the putu. since balinese temple opinion tesebut masyurlah kingdom mengwi,  and i am great the putu is named by the people" i am magic great the" .

favorit at balinese

kuta tour aim favorit at balinese. area kuta very famous mempenjuru where found coast kuta beautiful. at this coast we shall meet assorted coast visitor will begin from bule europe, asia and america, until 'bule local from java, jakarta, etc.

kuta also famous with place shopping or expense place passionate and life evening noisy bingar. where is inn shaped world class hotel like hard rock hotel up to economical cheap hotel like sahid great hotel. second this hotel looks direct to coast kuta.

in a line with hotels on, around 100 meters from end main ro found kamasutra balinese, restaurant club lounge. this place is very famous especially to all permanent citizen good local or tourist. the location very strategic in front of coast kuta and also tata tidy. for you that want to dine afternoon or evening with sunset scenery, solemn alternative at coast kuta food court. available assorted archipelago dish and several abroad dishes.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

national park taka bonerate cover 15 islands, at national park taka bonerate can be done activity submerge, snorkeling,  and nature tour / another maritime. national park location taka bonerate  selayar, celebes south.

coral island taka bonerate

national park taka bonerate has third biggest atoll cliff at world that is after kwajifein at archipelago marshal and suvadiva at archipelago moldiva.
vast atoll around 220.000 hectare, with umbu cliff widespread flat for the width of 500 km².

area topography very unique and interesting, where is atoll that consist of cliff burnt islands group and rataan umbu vast and sink, form islands with total quite a lot. between cliff burnt islands, found narrow straitss in and steep. while in surface part rataan umbu, many found little pools in and surrounded by umbu cliff. at the (time) of bottommost ebb, seen clearly dry landing and interlarded water pool that form little pools.

best visit in april s/d june and october s/d december every year it.
location achievement manner: use publik transport from makassar to bulukumba (153 km) then to port pamatata (approximately 4 clock)s. from pamatta with ferry around two clocks, continued to fortress around 1,5 clocks. from fortress to island closest that is rajuni little use wooden ship around five clocks.

sea park bunaken

sea park bunaken, as maritime tour object at celebes north part of bational park bunaken,  and salah-satu island that belong in this sea park island bunaken, for the width of 8,08 km² precisely at gulf manado, located in north celebes island. this island is part from city manado, city mother provinsi celebes north.
island bunaken can at go through fast by water (speed boat) or rented ship with trip around 30 minutes from city port manado.
sea park bunaken has biodiversitas oceaninc one other highest at world. dive scuba interesting many visitors to this island. as a whole sea park bunaken cover five islands that reside in depth, that is island manado old, island bunaken, island siladen, island mantehage next several the island childs,  and island naen. diving location (memving) only limited at each coast that surround fifth that island.

sea park bunaken has 20 divings points (memve spot) with depth varies up to 1 meter kilogram. from 20 points dive that, 12 points dive among others reside in around islands bunaken. twelve this divings points is most often is visited diver and panoramic view panoramic beauty lover under sea.
most of 12 divings points at island bunaken in a row from southeast up to island north-west part. at area here's found underwater great walls, called also hanging walls,  or giant cliff walls that stand vertical and curved to on. this cliff wall also be food source for fishes at waters around island bunaken [wikipedia 21-08-2009]

Sunday, July 3, 2011

sea nature tour park island

nature tour park (twa) island sea weh appointed based on minister of agriculture letter of appointment no. 928/kpts/um/12/1982 date 27 decembers 1982 for the width of 2.600 ha.

geographically twa island sea weh lay in 0552’ paralel north and 9552’ longitude east. while according to public administration belongs district sukakarya, municipality sabang, province d. i. acheh and from the forest management aspect belongs resort batural resources conservation iboih and enter in sub conservation couch sumberdaya province nature nad.

at twa island sea weh, sabang found umbu cliff, good hard cliff also soft cliff with various kind, form and colour, all the it form cliff group that interesting to enjoyed, among others cliff by the name of cliff the region lupas, deer cliff, crisply cliff.

besides umbu cliff, twa island sea weh, sabang can be met cliff fish kinds like angel fish, tropet fish, dunsel fish, sergeon fish, grope fish, parrot fish and others. these fishes resides in around twa island sea weh and a part be endemic at this region. besides also many found economical fish kinds like poor, kakap, kerapu, bayan, pisang-pisangan and others.

nature tour activity that can be done at twa island sea weh tour activity tirta like berselancar, rise small boat, swim, fish, with submerge to enjoy nature under water with variety umbu cliff with beautiful the cliff fishes.

several facilities that can support tour activities among others: inn hovels around iboih that built by society, shelter, mck, mosque, kiosk cendera eye and hotel found at gapang. besides found various facilities that reside in island rubiah that built by tourism official dati i am d. i. acheh among others: centre of activities submerges that equiped with the facilities (speed boat, device dive)s, mushola, shelter, mck, guardhouse, observer tower, footpath, park and electricity installation.

coast lampuuk aceh

coast lampuuk located in coast west acheh. from banda acheh approximately 17 km and can be goed with motor vehicle during less than 30 minutes. but unfortunately coast enough famous and be acheh citizen favorite tour place destroyed besom tsunami.

coast lampuuk located in coast west acheh. from banda acheh approximately 17 km and can be goed with motor vehicle during less than 30 minutes. but unfortunately coast enough famous and be acheh citizen favorite tour place destroyed besom tsunami.

this coast is enough beautiful and serve the purpose of place swim, sit in the sun at white sand, fish, sail, submerge and another recreation activity.
 at this coast evening is asa beautifuler, where can we watching sunset full enchantment.
around coast lampuuk also stand pride a cement factory andalas, but moment that is factory only live memories after experience consequence mortally damage quakes and tsunami 26 decembers 2004 ago.

at coast area lampuuk, you can play golf with sea panorama background at links seulawah. unfortunately all the beauties now live memories and live menungguk government repairs tour enough menggemari foreign tourist.