make cash

Saturday, July 9, 2011

sun sinks sanur

sanur be alternative perfect to go on vacation with a purpose to placidity. not as crowded as and sehinggar binggar kuta, but permanent offered preoccupation aloof. found hotel inn place from world class hotel likes balinese hyatt sanur and sanur beach hotel until jasmine hotel under 100.000 rupiah.

if want to see sun sinks (sunset) must at kuta, so to see sunrise (sunrise) coast sanur the place. from coast sindhu we can see sunrise scenery very spectacular. don't forget to bring camera to eternalize it. sun sinks so beautiful looked at

tourists from outside balinese like bus group from surabaya, unlucky, yogya, single, jakarta and another cities at java and even sumatra almost certainly will 'anchor' formerly at region sanur this to will remove tired all at once will begin their long tour. also many for examples from america, australian, english, japanese to see the beautiful sun sinks at sanur balinese.

especially alongside lake road tamblingan, here in a row hotels as place stay absolute at region sanur. belong also mendalamnya hotspot likes pothouse, discotheque but not as crowded as at kuta and delicious restaurant that presents indonesia menu and abroad.

tour object bedugul bali

at tour object bedugul bali found a balinese temple that named balinese temple at ulun danu located in lake edge beratan. balinese temple ulun danu at believe as goddess burial place sri or goddess kesububuran. tour object bedugul bali beautiful and filled by that good foreign countries tourist from america, english, italian, spain

tour object bedugul located in yellow temple village, district baturit regency tabanan approximately the distance 45 km from regency downtown and the distance from city denpasar around 50 km borthwards follow balinese temple highway reside in lakeside beratan, balinese temple name ulun danu taken from lake word.

tour object bedugul urian balinese temple history ulun danu beratan known from archaeology and history data found in throw babad mengwi. on the left balinese temple front page ulun danu beratan found a sarkopagus and a stone board, come from tradition time megalitik, around 500 sm. second artefak now being laided each above babaturan or porch is estimated where balinese temple ulun danu beratan, used as place to carry out ritual activity since age megalitik.

in throw babad mengwi implied elaborate that me great the putu as kingdom founder mengwi establishes balinese temple at lake edge beratan, before he establishes park balinese temple swings in throw is not mentioned to when him establish balinese temple ulun danu beratan, but found in throw that park balinese temple opinion swings the ceremony goes on on anggara kliwon medangsia year saka sad bhuta yaksa god that is year caka 1556 or 1634 m. based on explanation in throw babad mengwi known that balinese temple ulun danu beratan founded before year saka 1556, by me great the putu. since balinese temple opinion tesebut masyurlah kingdom mengwi,  and i am great the putu is named by the people" i am magic great the" .

favorit at balinese

kuta tour aim favorit at balinese. area kuta very famous mempenjuru where found coast kuta beautiful. at this coast we shall meet assorted coast visitor will begin from bule europe, asia and america, until 'bule local from java, jakarta, etc.

kuta also famous with place shopping or expense place passionate and life evening noisy bingar. where is inn shaped world class hotel like hard rock hotel up to economical cheap hotel like sahid great hotel. second this hotel looks direct to coast kuta.

in a line with hotels on, around 100 meters from end main ro found kamasutra balinese, restaurant club lounge. this place is very famous especially to all permanent citizen good local or tourist. the location very strategic in front of coast kuta and also tata tidy. for you that want to dine afternoon or evening with sunset scenery, solemn alternative at coast kuta food court. available assorted archipelago dish and several abroad dishes.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

national park taka bonerate cover 15 islands, at national park taka bonerate can be done activity submerge, snorkeling,  and nature tour / another maritime. national park location taka bonerate  selayar, celebes south.

coral island taka bonerate

national park taka bonerate has third biggest atoll cliff at world that is after kwajifein at archipelago marshal and suvadiva at archipelago moldiva.
vast atoll around 220.000 hectare, with umbu cliff widespread flat for the width of 500 km².

area topography very unique and interesting, where is atoll that consist of cliff burnt islands group and rataan umbu vast and sink, form islands with total quite a lot. between cliff burnt islands, found narrow straitss in and steep. while in surface part rataan umbu, many found little pools in and surrounded by umbu cliff. at the (time) of bottommost ebb, seen clearly dry landing and interlarded water pool that form little pools.

best visit in april s/d june and october s/d december every year it.
location achievement manner: use publik transport from makassar to bulukumba (153 km) then to port pamatata (approximately 4 clock)s. from pamatta with ferry around two clocks, continued to fortress around 1,5 clocks. from fortress to island closest that is rajuni little use wooden ship around five clocks.

sea park bunaken

sea park bunaken, as maritime tour object at celebes north part of bational park bunaken,  and salah-satu island that belong in this sea park island bunaken, for the width of 8,08 km² precisely at gulf manado, located in north celebes island. this island is part from city manado, city mother provinsi celebes north.
island bunaken can at go through fast by water (speed boat) or rented ship with trip around 30 minutes from city port manado.
sea park bunaken has biodiversitas oceaninc one other highest at world. dive scuba interesting many visitors to this island. as a whole sea park bunaken cover five islands that reside in depth, that is island manado old, island bunaken, island siladen, island mantehage next several the island childs,  and island naen. diving location (memving) only limited at each coast that surround fifth that island.

sea park bunaken has 20 divings points (memve spot) with depth varies up to 1 meter kilogram. from 20 points dive that, 12 points dive among others reside in around islands bunaken. twelve this divings points is most often is visited diver and panoramic view panoramic beauty lover under sea.
most of 12 divings points at island bunaken in a row from southeast up to island north-west part. at area here's found underwater great walls, called also hanging walls,  or giant cliff walls that stand vertical and curved to on. this cliff wall also be food source for fishes at waters around island bunaken [wikipedia 21-08-2009]

Sunday, July 3, 2011

sea nature tour park island

nature tour park (twa) island sea weh appointed based on minister of agriculture letter of appointment no. 928/kpts/um/12/1982 date 27 decembers 1982 for the width of 2.600 ha.

geographically twa island sea weh lay in 0552’ paralel north and 9552’ longitude east. while according to public administration belongs district sukakarya, municipality sabang, province d. i. acheh and from the forest management aspect belongs resort batural resources conservation iboih and enter in sub conservation couch sumberdaya province nature nad.

at twa island sea weh, sabang found umbu cliff, good hard cliff also soft cliff with various kind, form and colour, all the it form cliff group that interesting to enjoyed, among others cliff by the name of cliff the region lupas, deer cliff, crisply cliff.

besides umbu cliff, twa island sea weh, sabang can be met cliff fish kinds like angel fish, tropet fish, dunsel fish, sergeon fish, grope fish, parrot fish and others. these fishes resides in around twa island sea weh and a part be endemic at this region. besides also many found economical fish kinds like poor, kakap, kerapu, bayan, pisang-pisangan and others.

nature tour activity that can be done at twa island sea weh tour activity tirta like berselancar, rise small boat, swim, fish, with submerge to enjoy nature under water with variety umbu cliff with beautiful the cliff fishes.

several facilities that can support tour activities among others: inn hovels around iboih that built by society, shelter, mck, mosque, kiosk cendera eye and hotel found at gapang. besides found various facilities that reside in island rubiah that built by tourism official dati i am d. i. acheh among others: centre of activities submerges that equiped with the facilities (speed boat, device dive)s, mushola, shelter, mck, guardhouse, observer tower, footpath, park and electricity installation.

coast lampuuk aceh

coast lampuuk located in coast west acheh. from banda acheh approximately 17 km and can be goed with motor vehicle during less than 30 minutes. but unfortunately coast enough famous and be acheh citizen favorite tour place destroyed besom tsunami.

coast lampuuk located in coast west acheh. from banda acheh approximately 17 km and can be goed with motor vehicle during less than 30 minutes. but unfortunately coast enough famous and be acheh citizen favorite tour place destroyed besom tsunami.

this coast is enough beautiful and serve the purpose of place swim, sit in the sun at white sand, fish, sail, submerge and another recreation activity.
 at this coast evening is asa beautifuler, where can we watching sunset full enchantment.
around coast lampuuk also stand pride a cement factory andalas, but moment that is factory only live memories after experience consequence mortally damage quakes and tsunami 26 decembers 2004 ago.

at coast area lampuuk, you can play golf with sea panorama background at links seulawah. unfortunately all the beauties now live memories and live menungguk government repairs tour enough menggemari foreign tourist.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

animal washed ashore

giant animal from mysterious ocean often washed ashore at coast brought sea water. just recently, one scientist team from a city at south america returns to find sesosok serrated mysterious dead body with snout mouth longly body almost 4 meters. this carcass is called “gozila”, he is may be a creature in 135 million year ago,  and be family far from crocodile now.
previous, follow report beijing technology news, that is at year-end 1896 ago, at coast st. agustin, two man kids middle play to find sesosok white creature big. that creature has long 7 meters more,  and wide more than 2 meters with heavy 7 tons,  and also the body very elastic.
in 3 julies 2003, at area ke-10 at south chile found sesosok mysterious dead body from sea washed ashore at coast. based on investigation determination at field from local whale protection centre, that creature dead body is length 12,4 meter,s, wide 5,8 meters and thick 1,06 weighing meters is estimated to achieve 13 tons.

since year 2004, biology research team that led biologist sidney pierce from south maryland university delve all mysterious dead body samples that can be traced, by using photo-electric microscope, bichemistry, molecule science analytical method and test dna. they compare chemistry composition from mysterious dead body sample that is found at various area at world. the result demoes those creatures very resembles, exclusive of in octopus kind (squid) giant, also exclusive of various mysterious animal kind other not bertulangbelakang. these samples comes from one organism equal to whale fish, they are may be whale catfish or shark fish.

towards “makhluk giant misterius” this, sounding out and debate from also never stop scientists. sehubungan with that invention, scientists proposes third explanation. that is, not closed that mysterious creature possibility dragon berleher snake or another ancient creature that presents in 160 million year ago, that is a ancient creature sea floor from ancient time survival. and of course, this ancient creature total is slimmest, they are alive at stable deep sea environment, therefore, ones very difficult find their trace.

sure ones will question, animal in 160 million year ago, which may be can survive (alive) until now?

with stable environment deliberation at ocean, not closed possibility there certain ancient creature survive alive until now. and example from this conditon also detectable, in the year 1964, scientist finds crinoidea (sea flower) from depth 540 meters at ocean. and some years then, found again red sea porcupine burns. all these animal in 150 million year ago,  and ever found in fossil, beyond belief now is stilling can be found again their kind that above the ground.

actually, above earth now really there phenomenon such. there creature should destroyed in tens million year ago, but that surprise, they still eksis at certain corner on earth,  and rigidly coexist with animal kind other in time this time.

there also certain animal kind ever alive at ancient age, for example, panda big. he is one of [the] mortal ancientest from china. since before human existence, at time has ended mid new century approximately in 8 million year ago there [are] trace panda big on earth.

destroyed scarce animal

tyrannosaurus rex a between karnivor country all times biggest, as good as 43,3 long foots and 16,6 ft tall, with many that estimated that increase to be 7 tons.

like other tyrannosaurids, tyrannosaurus a karnivor berkaki two with skull very big mengimbangkan by a pengekor heavy long.
relative to big and very strong hindlimbs, tyrannosaurus forelimbs little and they defend only two numbers.

fossil t. rex found at north america stone formation that lag age until three million the last year cretaceous period by the end of stage maastrichtian, around 68,5 until 65,5 million year ago; between latest dinosaur to there before extinction event cretaceous-tersier.

more than 30 samples t. rex identified, among others that sketch almost complete.

several researchers has found soft network also.
fossil ingredient abundance has permitted important watchfulness into many the biology aspects, belong life history and biomechanics

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

little discuss dead sea

this is me want a little discuss dead sea, not as eery as the name, dead sea is a salty lake (not sea, because present in landing), sea term at wear caused by luasan he is that achieve 76 km length and has wide 16 km, so can at conceive if this lake so vast (but this lake experience stricture and water rate of flow reduction caused by by evaporation that over do and undercommunication paso water from river jordan). okay, henceforth we mention this lake is sea. this sea presents in 420 undersea meters that is bottommost region on the surface of earth (while inmost points under the sun self at holds on by trough mariana). dead sea presents between area jordania and israely.
salt degree so big in this sea make us can float mengatasnya without difficult difficult swim, even while read book even if! strange really, but that's nature insident. they say salt degree at this dead sea achieves 31.5 % (that mean 9 fold times from normal sea salt degree around 3,5 %. because degree salinitas he so all things can float mengatasnya.
one of [the] story hits this sea origin origin story hit class prophet luth, tell about how does the crashed that time human moral (sodom gomorah) that do connection sexsual of a kind, quit of that story all this dead sea has story other from scientific aspect that is hits his salt degree tall. happen water rate of flow depreciation at this sea that achieves 1 meter per annum he is caused by water total that enter from river jordan many at wear for irrigation so that paso to this sea is to decrease and his evaporation is very tall, this causes why this sea is salty. bothing;there is no fish alive there,  and when be hitted eye very perih. on the otherhand all this sea muds has merit aloof for womankind especially as skin refiner (lulur sea mud). besides salt pregnancy very-very tall, also many contain potassium, magnesium,  and bromium, probably because that's this dead sea mud is assumed very berkhasiat. israely, palestinian and jordania unanimous to will resque this dead sea because when happen damage in this dead sea ecosystem very bad for area, action rescuings among others menyuplai water from red sea to dead sea with make canal canal to connect second sea the distance around 200 km, sea surface has died estimated experience waning from 392 undersea meters has been 416 meters and is decreaseding to level very worry about.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Kusu Island Singapura

island kusu also known as tortoise island (turtle island) be one of the beautiful island at singapore. there legend that interesting that make this island is given turtle island name. this popular legend is begun from two sailors kapanyal sink at singapore inland waters. to resque two this sailors, a giant turtle changes self is island to resque two sailors sbut. second sailor from that sunken boat so grateful to turtle then they have liked to return to island to submit taste accepts the affection because resqued by turtle.
since then, many people other that devolve traditions to visit island kusu this. in this time there a china temple at that island, in kesebelas in calendar lunar, almost 90 thousands fan will give their honour by going to that island. there also a malaysian temple at little hilltop at island kusu. beautiful view and sandy coast can you find at this island. better if you with family can spend time together with amuse at coast.

they say he said for difficult pair has you can go to temple exist in island kusu this. there many pairs that success after pray and ask the request at this temple, of course for the man who believe. for you can not has willing permanent visit this island because beautiful the scenery and singapore island can you see from island hilltop usu this.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

prince aim island william and prince kate

william and kate leave their house at anglesey, wales north in monday (9/5) yesterday rise helicopter aimed airport that will deliver them to their honeymoon place with jet plane.

they arrive at island mahe, the biggest island at isle group there in tuesday (10/5) morning then change with helicopter to isle that so their honeymoon aim. at that island is there's only one house in the country with rate 4 thousands poundsterling last night.

seychelles2keputusan this end speculation berminggu-minggu where they future honeymoon. previous, there news to it future chosen because there the prince applies kate. then there also that called them future honeymoon at a remote island at caribean, offshore australian, king house in the country jordan at red sea, up to hollywood, california. prince william and kate ascertain future to california in july, but clear not for honeymoon.

united kingdom air force side, place william have a duty as soldiers, justify the prince goes to take to leave during two week. ticker newspaper registers, pair william and kate future reside in that island during 10 days.

a tourism ministry spokesman says glad hear news william and kate berbulan honey to seychelles. “kami sure there they will get placidity and freshment,  and bothing;there is no place better besides there, ” that spokesman word.

island that occupied william described as island in the style of novel robinson crusoe with made house in the country from wood is equiped cook and individual waitress that prepares local food dish.

coast there very beautiful and fit for sport snorkeling. william that have an interest in nature conservation future like to look around scarce turtle.

archipelago seychelles that dominated english since colonial era really often so jet circle honeymoon aim set. isle that number 115 there be choice one who want to get privasi and tropical batural beauty.

in the history, that archipelago soes pirate location keeps their pay dirt and outcast place pierre-louis poiret, guessed dauphin, that child from king louis xvi france

Sunday, May 8, 2011

bidadari island

island bidadari island very at take a fancy to tourists, either from local tourist also international
For several years of conduction Pulau Bidadari Resort has become one of the marine tourism destinations in Kepulauan Seribu (Thousand Island) which the people are very interested to visit it and as a national tourism asset.
The closest location with Marina Ancol beach with the distance less than 15 km. it take 20 minutes by speed boat, arriving at safety, silent and lonely place which is ideal for forgetting the crowded of tha capital city Jakarta.
The natural environment which keeps the ecosystem. combination between natural forset and sea, offers a special marine natural atmosphere. Any kind of recreation activities have been provided for a whole day
Supported by accommodation facilities, special building cottage with Menado ethnic, floating cottage with fishing settlement, meeting room, restaurant, bar, souvenir shop, Cherokee, Discotheque, billiard and exciting sport facilities, volley beach, table tennis and much more which may be conducted during enjoying recreation.

Island Bidadari is very steady place for family vacation, recreation of the company employee and meeting or other activities which can be done in fun relation
And one unique facility which is offered as the only one in Indonesia is outbound training or team building chalange matra bahari (sea bases) located in kepulauan Seribu

Thousand Island

between island in indonesia found a island that is island one thousand beautiful and for fun as tour place with family, you spellbound will enjoy island beauty one thousand Pulau Seribu means a "Thousand Island" consisting of almost 128 small islands located in the Bay of Jakarta in the Java Sea. Most of these are inhabited and can be reach in about 1 - 2 hours from Marina Ancol by ferry or by chartered board. The surrounding reefs are home to a wide variety of fishes, making Pulau Seribu an ideal spot for diving, Snorkeling and fishing. Some of the islands is this group developed for tourism are Pulau Bidadari, Pulau Ayer, Sepa, Coconut, Pelangi, Bira, Pantara, Kul-kul and Pulau Putri. There are also cabins for tourists, besides golden beaches fringed with coconut palms. The surrouding waters are a paradise for skin divers.They are filles with a myriad of tropical fish, which live among the multicolored corals. The Pulau Putri Paradise Co. has developed Pulau Putri, Pulau Melintang, Pulau Petondang and Pulau Papa Theo as a holiday resort with cottages, restaurants, diving and sailing facilities

Friday, May 6, 2011

coast senggigi island

visit senggigi at lombok island may be necessary made tour agenda aloof for tourist that like beauty and nature ruthless. conceive, moment enter coast area, tourist immediately sapu-lembut by semilir wind that blow alongside coast group at chili west, this west nusa tenggara province. fresh atmosphere, pleasant,  and beautiful likely speak to tourist at beginning the visit. moment reside in coast edge, eye tourists menyuguhi by eksotisme coast berlatar wave enchantment mutual berkejaran, white sand menghampar,  and thousands little animal that scattereds at the sand rug, with lanskap great mount at island across it (balinese island).

senggigi really offered special coast enchantment. natural atmosphere not yet many menjejali by foreign tourist, likely be sign difference this coast with coasts at balinese. this is sure give nuance aloof to all visitor. not strange, this coast is now is made new alternative aim tourists that misses natural silence atmosphere that appeases.

coast sengigigi

there many tour activities that can be done visitor at this coast, like to swim, play water, submerge, snorkeling, sit in the sun,  and dally to make sand palace. if sun afternoon begin fade, tourist can also vacate the time to merely walk to relax with foot bareness traces coast edge, sit at sand rug with mangamati biru-hijau sea water,  or relax at coast edge hotel small stand while wait sunset arrive. for visitor that want to swim or merely play water, suggested to be more careful, because at coast edge many found pointed cliffs enough endanger foot.

for tourist that pay a visit to coast senggigi, use opportunity intentionally to watch closely perforated stone balinese temple. moment perambulate coast edge senggigi, approximately around half hour, tourist will find a balinese temple that built above cliff located in coast edge. this balinese temple is by society around is given perforated stone balinese temple name. follow local legend, yore at this balinese temple often is held sacrifice a virgin, as food dish for shark fish that coast. legend other say, this balinese temple also be women place precipitate selfs to sea because broken heart.

perforated stone balinese temple

something else that interesting to done trace senggigi in bighttime, especially moment full moon arrives. visitor will meet many person/members around that make use the warm sand senggigi for well-being therapy. they bury a part or entire bodies until neck during 2—3 clock, while listen loneliness surf pounding. this therapy be believed society around can cure various disease, like pegel rheumatic pain up to stupefaction. if interested with this activity, tourist can come along to unite and try it.

for stomach affair, tourist can try chili special food dish/dish kinds delicacy at restaurants in a row neat at coast edge. the price varies to begin from rp 30.000 up to rp 300.000 per person (december 2008). sure, dine cheerful at coast edge is illumined moonlight tint and consoled by coast wave plump orchestra it is a pitty if letted pass off hand. not lose to interesting, tourist don't until forget to taste chili special food dish that is chicken taliwang and plecing kangkung. almost every restaurant at coast senggigi,  or at chili in general, prepare this dish dish. while menyantap chicken taliwang or plecing kangkung, tourist will be consoled with chili special artistry, shaped music and dance. even if not objection, also may come along to dance with in joy nuance and kinship.

besides, for souvenir, also don't forget to buy pearl and textile cloth with various motive and colour. pearl that merangkai be beautiful decoration and winsome this eye is many is met at coast edge kiosks. but, if wishful to merangkai self these pearls, tourist can buy artless pearl item. this artless pearl is usually is peddled in the form of necklace that consist of many pearls. pearls can be composed self appropriate desirable decoration form.

after satisfied enjoy coast batural beauty senggigi, tourist can continue the tour trip aim tour places not far from coast location, among others, three gili (little island): that is gili trawangan, gili meno,  and gili water, coast kerandangan,  and sail stone coast. sail stone sanctum to all islam follower wetu telu at lombok island (boufant tribe.

aim coast area senggigi enough easy, because there port and airport at lombok island. when starting from balinese island, tourist can leave from cliff port asem use ferry ship aim senggigi, with time goes around 30 trip minutes. this travelled distance can be cut when use aeroplane from airport ngurah rai denpasar aim airport selaparang at mataram (city mother ntb), only need time around 15 minutes.

apart from cliff port asem, also can leave from field port bay at balinese use ferry ship aim sheet port at lombok island. on the way, tourist will be coddled with beautiful nature panorama and also porpoise appearance mutual berkejaran follow ship. field trip bay—lembar ferry by water consumes time around 4 clocks. after reach sheet port, tourist can continue trip to city mataram. from city mataram, coast senggigi berjarak 11 kilometer and can be goed to use taxi and another general vehicle.

besides sea stripe, also can aim coast senggigi by using air flight path from metropolis in indonesia, like jakarta, surabaya, balinese,  and yogyakarta. by using aeroplane from one of [the] city, tourist to airport selaparang, mataram. from this airport is tourist can direct aim coast area senggigi.

coast karimun java

karimun java is coast area that consist of 27 isle at south java. beauty karimun java makes this area is made nature preserve or bational park that protected by government.

many people that want to cause the loss of city life fatigues with visit beautiful coasts, karimun java of course can be one of the choice very fit. tours on the market has special difference from another coast tour.

sea tour

karimun java really fit as place to remove stres, and surely for you are true adventurer, because in place this is a lot of sea tour very attractive to tried.

wreck memve

for you are fan memving and has soul avonturir, suggested to try tour dives one this. various strains you will find in a moment. when did you begin to submerge you even be greeted by ship dead body that long shipwrecked undersea. the atmosphere asa very lonely and mysterious, ship iron pillars is seen rusty along walk it time, then quite a few umbu cliff (soft coral) motley very beautiful struggle for alive and grow then.

this ship dead body is seen apart two, within reason ship dead body in film titanic famous the fame in all world corner. long that ship is almost equals ships fery exist in indonesia. moment do memving and see undersea ship dead body, you will felt to like kate hudson and matthew mcconaughey in film fool’s gold moment they look for pay dirt. wow!

more interesting again, besides ber-diving cheerful and subjugate various challenge, you also can get history erudition about indonesia. they say a dutch fleet property ember stone freighter shipwreckeds at waters around 60 year ago. story that go around to mention ship shipwrecked because the nahkoda expected archipelago karimun java coast beach semarang, central java. base coasts at karimun low relative java makes ship strand and final shipwrecked.

wreck memve this is found at island kemojan, one of the 27 islands found at karimun java. don't pass challenge one this, cause it’s full of challenge!

exotic coast raja ampat

raja ampat regency piece shoves, since 2003. populated regency 31.000 this soul has 610 islands (only 35 islands that is occupy)ed broadly area around 46.000 km2, but only 6.000 km2 shaped landing, 40.000 km2 again ocean. islands not yet touched and the sea that still beautiful make charmed direct tourist. they are sea want to explore entire waters at “head ” islands papua.

this area is sempat is target cliff fish hunters by mengebom and menebar cyanide poison. but, still many citizens that cope to protect that area so that the sea wealth can be resqued. umbu cliff at king sea ampat evaluated absolute at world. from 537 world cliff kinds, 75 the percents resides in this waters. found also 1.104 fish kind, 669 mollusc kinds (soft animal),  and 537 cliff animal kinds. incredible.

world bank cooperates with global environment institution decides raja ampat as one of the area in indonesia east that get aid coral reef rehabilitation and management program (coremap) ii, since 2005. at raja ampat, this program includes 17 villages and involve local citizen. also trained membudidaya fish kerapu and sea grass.


papua memving, only resor exotic that offered tour under sea at that area, visited fan tourists dive that feel comfortable during day after day even up to a month full cross hollow sea floor. they sea not want to return to country each because get “pulau heaven bothing;there is no two under the sun ini”.

the manager not easy prepare place for tourist. maximillian j ammer, owner dutch citizen papua memving resort also this area sea tour activator pioneer, must with all efforts prepare various facilities to interesting tourist from foreign countries. since begin the effort eight last year, many funds must be taked. but, also satisfy the result. every year resor this visited minimal 600 special tourists that spends average time two weeks.

inn very simple only berdinding with roofedly that coconut leaf plait is bertarif minimal 75 euro or rp 900.000 last night. if we like to submerge must pay 30 euro or around rp 360.000 once submerge in one certain location. majority tourist comes from europe. only several indonesia origin tourists that stay and submerge there.

“turis submerge almost every day because diving location very vast and various. beauty umbu the cliff really vary so that many choices and invite angered. there tourist that aged 80 year still strong submerge, ” say max ammer bigamous woman manado.

three last year, papua memving build modern inn not far from first location. obvious, inn that built with rely on this local building material almost always full is orderred. while the rate achieves 225 euro or around rp 2,7 million per evening. at bew location, equiped modern device, belong international call facilities and internet.

tourist to raja ampat only want to papua daving at island mansuar because facilities and the waitress berstandar international, also the food. they land at airport domne eduard osok, shove, direct aim fast by water location capacity around 10 person the rates rp 3,2 million once road. necessary time around 3-4 clock to achieve mansuar.

like another island, mansuar beautiful appear because the forest stills to awake and the sea water even also clean so that biota sea not far from surface be seen clear. tourist enough swim or ber-snorkelling to see sea beauty, while if we like to watch closely direct beauty biota sea at depth, they must submerge.

coast nature tegal beatiful

beautiful nature coast  is nature tour object, supported with existence 32 starry hotels and jasmine with capacity 442 rooms. existence pai this also supported another recreation facilitiess like swimming pool, park poci and several another culture attractions. coast beautiful nature will be coast area in the concept will be made inwrought tour area. swimming pool, museum oceanografi, culture art field, child game arena, camp location, hotel, restaurant, store souvenir will be several supportings facilities later be built as according to master plan beautiful nature coast area.

n this time, a large part facilities not yet can be fulfilled, but such the mentioned not so influence society interest to pay a visit to pai, because almost every this coast the day always is filled by visitor from various age. besides to berliburi, usually menempat this often held club likes wushu, sport for lansia etc. at pai this also often spreaded out music programme that consoled by local artist also capital.

coast bayah nature

coast bayah be one of the]our family favorite coast tour visit location, , , why? a lot of the reason. one of them because many coast expanses around bayah that still natural and bersiiiih. another reason trip to bayah very fun. a lot of beautiful nature scenery and various, begin from urban affairs, rural district up to walk to pass by persawahan on the left and coast lip on the right. so that although travelled distance from jakarta around 3-5 clock losts to to tire.

to aim bayah, from jakarta we can pass peacock toll and out at attack east (pandeglang), , , after out toll, follow road that aim saketi. at pertigaan saketi, we must turn to left (horse poultice curve and decreased sharp). well trip from saketi aim malingping-bayah, , , passionate once, , , pure road condition (our latest is there year 2009, road condition mortally,  and not pleasant passed by for car with ground clearance low, like sedan! ! ! ), scenery during trip so beautiful, so that drive it also delicious. augmenting again road condition doesn't boring, , , fluctuate and berkelok-kelok…. wuzzz

(sy suggest, if going to bayah, better take stripe from queen port direction. pure road condition (beginning year 2009 lho). and the scenery doesn't lose to interesting it. because we shall trace hills with scenery indah)*update newest.

as free as malingping aim bayah, we have sipped aroma laut……perjalanan will pass by hilly with coast will reside in right side bawah…kita certain be tempted to will stop and look around formerly, , , , or even go down downwards, , , (because not too far, aim pantainya)….

formerly every to bayah, we stay at hovel arya…tetapi word temen i, now that inn tutup…wah pity sekali…padahal passionate banget. at aryan hovel, we can choose rooms or bungalow all look out on to coast and berjarak only 30m with lip pantai…. but, doesn't what, anyway still there inn other kok….

of so much many coast expanses around bayah, our favorite coast is bird coast, , , , white sand expanse slopes and enough long, , very passionate make to play. sea special big enough bird coast wave selatan…pantai this also made fish auction place by local fishermans, so that at bird coast edge will be found several tradisional fisherman boats that parkir…dan that is photo object that interesting kan!

for you that still to want to venture on again, after satisfied and spend the night at bayah, , , you can continue trip from bayah aim port ratu…. whew the trip is guaranteed mantabs and challenge, , , conceive us walk above hill and menyusur pantai…saking challenge it, the road condition less amicable for you that drive a car sedan kind (that is condition year 2005_awal year 2009 road conditions mulus)……sehingga distance 25km from bayah to sukabumi can more be enjoyed again, without disturbed by road condition that broken

coast santolo

if hear coast word, what rushed by first time in mind you? white sand! ! ! yeah, that also that rushed by at my idea. coast santolo, give that answer! white sand, slopes, winsome wave sensation with fish burns that coddle tongue. i impress with white sand rug enough long at coast santolo. the white sand type even also enough soft and soft. coast rug slopes, make so pleasant lying down at sand rug. the main from natural side, this coast has potential menjanji, as tour place for family.

free toll cileunyi, distance aims this coast around 112 km, seen enough far yeah! but if you belong kind one who “memasu also as part from wisata”, i guarantee, trip as far as that is very fun. road access begins from city garut until coast santolo, very good (pure asphalt and wide road enough), only perforated road obstacle pittance or road brokens. most jut from trip between city garut until pameupeuk road right left scenery condition highly varied. we shall pass by district cities with stores or special market, forest area, persawahan and tea garden. our eye will be presented with panorama that coddle eye. how not, we across beautiful hills, cool and sure with devious road sensation fun. the main, fun trip deh.

at coast area santolo, like most coast tour area in indonesia, at contents with restaurant quantity sea food and noisy doss house. if you don't take exeption to to a little heating, there many inns with class 50rb s/d 100 rb permalam there. correct inn location at coast edge, so that in tidurpun, you can enjoy coast wave pounding south menggelegar! tour kuliner with berpuas cheerful enjoy sea food even also enough murah…i kerapu/kakap/cake can you enjoy appropriate your taste only with 60-70rb per kg in a condition ripe and ready dine! ! !

you be fed up with coast with white sand slopes? , with menyebrangi estuary (pays 2rb/person boat cost), you have resided in coast side santolo different. beside this estuary, the coast at domination with cliffs (cliff coast), so that when lessened, you can play to middle ocean, pass by hard cliffs exist in there! …cukup complete, coast dish that setted out at coast santolo-pameungpeuk this!

spot coast santolo actually enough good for you photography hobby. white sand, cliff, wave, forest, fisherman boat, sunset, cloud and many lagi…sayang fit i am there, overcast and rain. but that doesn't decrease spirit to berfoto ria…

one my negative note is cleanliness pantai…. beside most outside coast santolo, quite a lot plastic rubbishes and another rubbish materials. formerly i thought visitor neh most responsible for this rubbish. obvious, my guess not 100% bener. i am memergoki 2 times. restauranteur and inn there, throw away 3 rubbish pails with the relax it at coast edge, correct rear their effort place. they throw away,  and invite wave, to haul rubbish at sea (while a part that rubbish, return again to coast). they make coast and sea santolo with white sand beautiful that is as tpa (place of exile end)s from their production process result rubbish! ! ! i try to chat with them, , , at answer light, “iya, emang difficult sir membilangin,  and also so sih sir everybody! ! ! ! ” whew, if without prevention effort with, i am this coast afraid, long too long be rubbish coast,  and at koid tourist! ! ! who also that lost if so? ? ?

may, if you there, you come along to remind them to begin to managed rubbish in a fair way and true, without necessary sacrifice coast santolo beautiful that

Thursday, May 5, 2011

coast tour lovina that interesting

lovina located in balinese north at beach north balinese island precisely around 10 km western singaraja. coast lovina reside in village kalibukbuk, regency buleleng, balinese. therefore, sometimes person called it as tour area kalibukbuk. coast lovina this black sandy stills natural so that interesting visited. interesting at coast lovina trip to middle sea at waters lovina. you can see dolphin at waters lovina situated around 1 kilometer from coast lip. balinese sea that resides in waters lovina calm relative so that you can toured at sea by using fisherman boat.

area lovina famous famous as place to watchings wild dolphin exhibition. you can direct watching funny behaviour and amicable from direct dolphin in the middle of sea. sure this will be holiday experience that interesting for you. at area lovina found hundreds dolphin tail.

to be able to see wild dolphin attraction, you must leave morning once moment sun will rise. why? because dolphin at this area only appears between blow 6 morning up to 8 morning. at that, tens dolphin beratraksi baturally will show their activity. there merely swim on the surface of water, there also that lope. sure this matter will make to astonished black coloured sea animal beauty.

usually tourists has gatherred at coast around blow 5.30 wita to go to middle sea. you can charter fisherman boat really be provided for trip. trip be be begun by using dinghy only can carry away maximal 4 person besides the fishermans. boat will bring you around one up to two kilometer up at middle sea to place usually dolphin will appear.

during trip, you can look around vast sea scenery and while boat keeps away landing, you can see landing lovina in the distance like silhouette. after reach middle sea, the fisherman will trace to place usually dolphin will appear. and when is there a group dolphin that jump, the fisherman will inform boats other at vinicity so that boats speed increase to will chase a group those dolphin.

sure you can transcribe sewaktu dolphin berlompatan in the middle of sea. there also tourists can not see dolphin. this matter dependings from also like pair it sea water, wind direction,  and of course your luck to can see wild dolphin. " chase" this will go approximately 3 clocks. but, when did you felt sick because your seasick hesitant hesitant unnecessary to inform the fisherman to return to landing.

while return trip to landing, you can enjoy scenery coast wise lovina clearly because sun has shined with brightness. you also can enjoy sea park tour at waters lovina.

island datu

intention visits island datu final reached pretty island that resides in district panyipatan that sea soil regency really very proper to visited. his position is that resides in offing, offered nature scenery very pretty that is island datu.

aim island datu from banjarmasin i stepp foot with group several friend persons. by using japanese product car, we are vehicle rapid menorobos down pour around city banjarmasin. enter peat region, down pour sempat make us restless subside.

at trip moment enter city pelaihari, be voice sea soil capital of regency summonss sunset sesomnate. car even also we instruct to aim great mosque syuhada. a big mosque exist in this little city. mosque form very pretty, because fuse arabian calligraphy art and borneo special carving.

finished menunai religious service sholat sunset, we are then buy fried rice around gold small antelope park. afterwards, we continue trip aims brick coast. one clock then we are final arrive at brick coast.

luck we still to get a cottage with rate rp. 150 thousands permalam. finished settle load goods, we are even also soon light bonfire ashore. young corn we buy at gains, not we wast in. programme burns corn even also we are contents with joke laughter.
day after we shall continue holiday long weekend with various activity. one of them menyebrang to island datu. a island that reside in middle sea, around god cape coast. brick off shore. this virgin coast offereds different scenery from brick coast

Monday, May 2, 2011

Water Castle

tamansari be one of the palace culture inheritance kasultanan yogyakarta that still to stand steady. tamansari built in government time sri sultan hamengkubuwono i am year 1758. sampi in this time tamansari experience several times renovations so that seen beautifuler without cause the loss of historic value and the original aesthetics. location tamansari not far from palace yogyakarta that is only around 300 meters beside west palace.

principal object from tamansari this reservoir that is surrounded fortress as high as 6 meters along the function in time pembanguna that is as swimming pool pool istri- wife sri sultan hamengkubutamansari water castle story petualanganwono i. they say during the period tamansari being used sultan to is see istrinya when bathing. for that there there place is like tower that made tall as place to watch closely the wifes that is bathing. for complete story will hit history tamansari this in place culture tour also in big supply guides that will give all information about tamansari with will see tourist will aim all parts from complex.

myself several times visit culture tour areas one this. before gate enters tamansari there picture that show location order tamansari in days of yore. from there can kulihat that menyekitar place before now found garden buah- buahan that surround it so that sultan can pick fruit every moment. between garden buah- buahan water melon, pineapple, mango, etc. i can shadow that during the period tamansari be seen so cool and elegant with fruit plants quantity menyekitarnya. this very differ once with kulihat there that is area of around tamansari that turn into rumah- house. they say they are that live there slave families dalem palace that heredity so that more and more the total.

so enter this place me soon watchings big pool apart is two parts with water so clear so that make me serasa want to plunge self into it. besides principal pool divided is two parts, after is enterring to pass by part under tower two floors that provided as place sutamansari water castle story petualanganltan watching the wifes that is bathing, there a pool again ukura smaller. i try to climb tower to watch closely tamansari from on. so taste likely sit to relax on while watch closely second pool at part north and south tower. wind blows semilir from sela- window interrupt pair jeruji- wood bar that still original from first time made. but very very lamentable there many found corat- scratch from hand –tangan ignorant so that a little decrease keindaha. besides enjoy my pool scenery also can watching rumah- citizen house that present menyekitarnya they say formerly kebun- fruit garden.

satisfied with tower bird's eye view akupun return to go down to explore part other from tamansari. moment first time there i berjalan- road has been accompanied a guide that tens year be guide. there kitchen with ancient construction, with mosque under soil enough unique. mosque under this soil consists of two globular floors with rongga- window hole at part outside it. there a globular little pool at tangah mosque with ladder that block mengatasnta so that enough elegant with has value citarasa tall art. besides there also where tunnel is there one part of the there trusted society as sultan short cut aim sea south. moved north from this tunnel there a ancient building that stills to be part from tamansari also that is bebentuk like high rise building with flat place mengatasnya. from on here i can watching beauty around because really this building enough tall. but unfortunately in this time the condition almost has brokened because really the construction that ancient also memperparah with collapse it this buildings some part is earthquake consequence that bumps into yogyakarta ladder 27 mays 2007 ago.

tour karst kalisuci

kalisuci be cave tour karst with river under soil in this time made as a new tour object at mount regency kidul. kalisuci situated around 10 kilometer from wonosari that is precisely mendesa pacarejo, district semanu, gunungkidul. this place actually begin to pathed as tour place in government era soeharto around year 1997 that is with ladder development for access downwards river,  but attention undercommunication from local government then make this place not awat well, even used by surounding citizen for bathe and wash. this really the things of very sadden because can dirty river water condition under soil. .

first see this place likely really amaze. i first time to this place moment is carrying out kkn pba (letter blind eradication) that is conducted by ugm at district semanu in juli- august year 2008. at that time place not yet made tour object soes there is no tax pickings money.

intermediate condition gunungkidul so dry memusim dry season obvious there many rivers under soil then flow and so cool. current so quick and seen blue like to tempt to merely play water there. i and four my friends even also soon berlarian up at water to reaches it. sun suffocating heat that nettles sewaktu on the way to this place final erase the coolly water from river under soil that flows quick.

finished maen my water and teman- friend then see scenery around. river with water mengaliir so clear enter menembus cave karst so big causing remarkable astonishment. river under soil kalisuci this is menembus several caves also often used by pencinta nature to do activity penelusuran cave likes cave grubug and cave jomblang. doesn't forget kamipun do our obligatory activity when maen to a place that is foto- photo. i don't know because narsis or really suitable to immortalized so that make us passionate berfoto- photo there. form karst manghiasi cave mouth makes a background so interesting

sensation crosses rapids at ell river

this heart is serasa more tighter along with rapids magnitude that looks in front of i. tense feeling mixes to challanged to alight on me when that boat aims rapids big enough. the quick stream flow at ell river that hurtle against big stoney makes rapids searung adventures ell river rapids picmakin challenge. detik- second approach rapids even also arrive up to this breast serasa not suasa holds back heart tick more tighter tick. akhirnya……. wooow…. first rapids success kutakluk. fear a while ago sempat alight on me final change with satisfaction infinite and make me to challanged to soon meet jeram- rapids next.

such kira- guess when do i for first the time try to cross rapids. sport one this really enough popular in this time, although want adrenalin last for melakuka. before go down direct kesungai to try to cross my rapids mulls over resiko- risk may be future befall me from washed away at current so quick, sink, fall at rapids then struck batu- river stone and other as it all make me sempat think several times to try it. with round determination final kuberani self to try it.

cross rapids or white water rafting (wwr) has history enough long till such as those which we are usually witness in this time. at begin from ancient human that uses batang- bole to to cross and transportation. besides tie up batang- tree trunk to made to like raft, there also that burrow tree trunk then round into kanoe. so furthermore then bloom from form, capacity, up to ingredient ingredient that used to make boat is such as those which many we witness in this time.

morning that is me with around 17 other my friends aims ell river at central java to begin to cross this my first rapids. really there are some my friend that ever try even often in the case of cross this rapids so that we are unnecessary has charterred a skipper to accompany us because there also cock to menakhkodai boat.

arrive melokasi atmosphere stills enough lonely. i and teman- friend soon wear individual security standard device shaped float, motorcycle helmet,  and oar. after pump two boats masing- masing berkapasitas maximal 8 person, kamipun soon do heating so that not keram moment do fording. moment that 14 person from we shall belong me will do fordings with two the rest temporary boats will be permanent land team will communicating to will observe team welfare that do fording.

finished heating kamipun soon lift boat aims to river with descend ladder enough steep. obvious that wind containing rubber boat is also to lifted by seven person heavy. until mengair i am soon climb boat is followed other friend. before cross our river does team harmony practice and learn manner rows true. after felted enough heating on boat so we are soon begin fording. several hundred meter from points start water conditon stills apartment.

final first rapids that is expected even also telihat. i and kawan- friend mengomando to speed up dayungan when enter rapids. and 1, 2, 3…. kamipun step into first rapids with scream to beats fear sempat rushed by. rapids pertamapun success we are conquered successfully without there one anggotapun fallen down from boat. after a few times team 2 follow to enter rapids at ease also. several rapids selanjutnyapun we ford at ease up to final in rapids big enough one of [the] my friends there fallen down to rapids. akupun sempat worry with shadow to how my friend conditon. tiarung adventures ell river rapids picdak several long after out from rapids final he is seen rather far from boat. one of [the] my friend soon melampar throwing bag to help my friend so that soon approach to boat. after a few times my friend that fall a while ago success rise to return to boat safely, only several stone bruise mengakinya because bumped stoney moment at rapids.

in the middle of our river fording sempat has taked around one clock to enjoy to have lunch that provided by land team. at the (time) of rest that's i and teman- friend tries extreme something that and test gall that is plunge self at rapids or usually called rapids swimming. rapids one this big enough because really moment that is the water rate of flow tall. one by one kamipun plunge self to rapids from on river. i jump in sequence third. likely this foot is not wants to get out of soil because have cold feet to see rapids magnitude. akupun more worry because previous friend experiences luka- stone bruise moment plunged to rapids. but final have cold feet itupun can kutepis jauh- far so that in third count akupun soon jump to plunge self. really a experience unforgettable. when do i try to restrain my body direction so that always to the fore, direct quick river current menghempas upside down not karuan. a moment can kurasa when struck batu- big stone that reside in rapids longly around 20 that meters. i feel that moment that is me bulbous billiard that bounce back there here because impact. really so ill. final after fighting with that rapids akupun can out from it with breath that still can kurasakan…. ah… leganya… thanks god. . i’m still alive. after go ashore me feel there my foot part that bleed because hard impact with stoney a while ago,  but not mortally so that i still can bawl roomy. i so grateful can feel experience so hair-raising that. but this matter doesn't make me fear so that i try to return to jump down to this rapids

ledge enchantment andesit

ledge enchantment andesit at kalikuning
kalikuning be nature tour area all at once camping ground at slope south mount merapi, precisely at district cangkringan, sleman, yogyakarta. kalikuning located in under kaliadem ever be explosion cruelty witness merapi year 2006 ago where at that moment two killed volunteers in lunge consequence bunker awakalikuning adventures trace picn hot or usually at mention wedhus hobo.

tour area kalikuning this is really enough vast. besides made tour object and camping ground, there also region at kalikuning that has tebing- rock ledge andesit.  not yet many at touch,  but ledge andesit at region kalikuning this often also at make as arena climbs ledge, especially to all climber that capable remember difficulty very tall in climbing in ledge with rock andesit. rock group that stand steady around river makes scenery very mangagum. quite a lot region at kalikuning that has ledge form andesit like this.
kalikuning adventurer trace pic
to achieve ledge location andesit existing in foto- be we must walk around 1 km from asphalt pavement that aim to kaliadem trace footpath usually passed by by local citizen to looks for grass. arrive at ledge location andesit likely calm so because nature atmosphere lonely with scenery kelok- anhydrous river form crook and tebing- tall ledge makes us serasa find new world, differ from city life full of noise and pollution. region kalikuning seen very cool with trees quantity at vinicity at domination by pohon- pine tree, with plateau cool-air at slope merapi this

Coast Carita

this coast at know and at visit tourists either from in also abroad. coast that appointed as nature tour park (twa) on 15 julies 1978 this has white sand rug very beautiful with tree around coast very leafy. insufficient with white sand rug beautiful, this coast also set out eksotisme mount krakatau as background. very attractive if mount condition krakatau mobile so that clear visible letusan- explosion from volcano.

adventurer trace: tour object at pandeglang, to improve indonesia tourism.

coast enchantment so winsome make coast carita as one of [the] alternative tour aim. besides the coast beauty, coast carita has also supporting facilities likes hotel and inn very coddle tourists. there various inn class choice and hotel available, from jasmine class up to starry hotel so that unnecessary visitors worries with tall inn rate.

end bational park kulon.

tour object pandeglang
besides coast carita, enough interesting again from tour object at pandeglang end bational park kulon. famous bational park with horny rhinoceros one this is one of [the] favorite tour object at regency pandeglang. bational park located in part most west this java has vast around 1.206 km2 (around 35% mengantaranya sea). area this also include area krakatau and pulau- isle likes island handeulum and peucang.

end bational park kulon at pandeglang this is fitting has been indonesia bational pride because at open by unesco as one of [the] world inheritance that protected. horny rhinoceros one famous itupun, besides be our pride also must be watched over with by the everlasting scarce fauna.

as a adventures fan, want banget likely explore pandeglang with every nature tour and adventures menjanji. want once explore eksotisme tour pandeglang, snorkling and memving at island panaitan, snorkling and memving at cihandareusa island peucang, surfing at legon bajo island panaitan. canoing at handeuleum,  and adventures tour lai at pandeglang. good that all can reached to satisfy my adventures soul

nature panorama papandayan and volcano tour

name papandayan, come from sundanese “panday” that mean clever iron. formerly, when does society across this mount, often heard voices that resemble conditon menempat iron clever work, that voice comes from crater very mobile. the above is true this mount is then is called papandayan by society  this mount.

mount papandayan located in around 25 km westside regency power garut, with geographical position 7o19’ paralel south and 107 o 44’ longitude east with height 2665 mdpl or around 1950 m on plain garut. beside south this mount is found g. thunder and beside east it found g. cikuray.

g. papandayan be cone most south from volcano line at priangan south that classified (since dutch colonial period) as mobile mount enough dangerous at west java. explosions that since yore make these mount form likes horse poultice cut. crater tuanya located in town square bon irigated dry field that long die and turn into opened field. this old crater wall forms complex ridges with puncak-puncak that is g. unlucky (2675 mdpl), g. masigit (2619 mdpl), g. saroni (2611 mdpl) and g. papandayan (2665 mdpl) that surround town square bon irigated dry field. at field here's appear spring that incarnate to be river ciparugpug.

menyekitar areal this horse poultice, we also can see little mounts that surround g. papandayan, among others g. puntang (2555 mdpl), g. walirang (2238 mdpl), g. nail bon irigated dry field (2225 mdpl) and g. glorious (2422 mdpl). temporary melembah between g. puntang and g. walirang found river cibeureum big that flow to river cimanuk.

explosion history
in history note, big explosion ever happens at g. papandayan in 11 – 12 augusts 1772. this big explosion causess destruction in part this mount body, form horse poultice crater opens towards borth-east.
here's awful explosion g. papandayan recorded in history. besides smash a part the body, this explosion also smash 40 settlements mendataran tall garut, consume soul victim approximately 2957 person and kill more than 1500 cows, buffalo, goat,  and another pet animals.
  g. papandayan
in the year 1819, great garden founder bogor, c. g. c reindwardt german nationality is first foreign ones that climbs this mount. in times here's, g. papandayan be heaven to all vulcanologist and vegetation until now.

follow opinion r. d. m. verbeek and r. fennema, explosion g. papandayan in the year 1772 go on as does that at g. semeru at east java in the year 1885,  but stronger. when does the happening of this explosion seen fire the vomit during 5 minutes that come from crater papandayan (brother crater), followed with lawina lower region smash stones. event go down it lawina stones is called that be main from explosion insident g. papandayan in the year 1772.

afterwards, this mount experiences calm time returns until 11 marches 1923 moment crater papandayan (brother crater) begin to flare up to return up to 9 marches 1925. during 2 year, little explosion doesn't endanger often happen at this mount.

explosion that in 11 marches 1923 this is recorded comes from crater found at town square bon irigated dry field, that is shaped mud explosion and pebbles as big as head one who throwed up to approximately 150 m.

follow chief of a district explanation and citizen cisurupan, explosion on 11 marches 1923 this happen in bighttime with foregone by light earthquake. from this explosion insident, new explosion field found and called new crater. in explosion field for the width of 100 m, 7 explosion holes is found and a little lake formed.

concurrent with new crater formation on, in june 1923, at foot g. nangklak (a steep wall half south brother crater) formed also a new crater that is given crater name nangklak with 3 explosion holes mendalamnya.

during the year 1924 up to 1925, little explosions happen according to by turns at each different crater up to mount inipun final enters rest time enough long until big explosion happens to return in 11 novembers 2002.

on monday, 11 novembers 2002 blows 15.30, g. papandayan begin to return the activity after almost 60 year endure the rest time.

explosion in the year 2002 this foregone by explosion freatik little on 1 – 3 octobers 2002 that at brother crater that causes the increasing of this mount activity. temperature at brother crater experiences enhanced and sempat burn sulphur sedimet found mendalamnya.

on 10 novembers 2002, volcano observation post papandayan register enhanced significant total quakes vulcanic type b as much as 60 times. quake this mark crack system and soil at brother crater area is satisfied with aqueous vapour and pressure, all at once activate steam system at brother crater aims to explosion freatik furthermore.

on 11 novembers 2002, explosion freatik first happen at new crater at 16.03 wib, that is shaped thick dust outburst into the air that achieves height 5 km from on the top. explosion at this new crater causess the happening of terrible slide menyebagian hill wall nangklak, landslide materials fall to river hilt cibeureum big and cause mud large flood along river cibeureum big at kec. bayongbong. recorded 5 houses brokens heavy and road between garut with cikajang brokened off.

explosion year 2002 also change horse poultice valley face g. papandayan, materials that spilled accumulate base valley and bury river stream ciparugpug. temporary g. nangklak experience terrible slide concurrent with bentuknya several new craters.

several insidents on in this mount explosion history brings g. papandayan be a important location to all penikmat from since yore until now.

in this time g. papandayan be one of [the] mobile volcano at west java that developed to be panorama tour object and location to all volcano researcher at foreign countries.

bewitch tour objects found at these mount formed baturally from process vulkanisma that go on at old world. activity that during hundreds of year this, produce and leave special nature forms shaped cone volcano, crater, singkapan stoney and bentuknya new structures shaped curug (water jumps, lake, hot spring, hot steam outburst hole from within soil, pools boil and rust colored sulphur sedimet that slurr with unfold nature at fulfill clutter rock and opened plains that is muffled grassy field and plant edelweis beautiful or mould wrapped old forests that amaze.

this uniquenesses distinguish beauty g. papandayan with mount api-gunung another fire in indonesia.

biological variety
g. papandayan have come to nature preserve since year 1924. at the time dutch colonial government decides forest area and crater papandayan for the width of 884 ha be nature preserve. in this time nature preserve vast total has increased to be 6807 ha augmenting nature tour park for the width of 225 ha. nature preserve vast increasing and this nature tour park appointeds to pass forestry minister letter of appointment no. 226/kpts/1990 date 8-5-1990. the area covers g. papandayan, g. puntang, g. glorious, g. kendang, long bon irigated dry field and crater darajat. with the status as nature preserve means g. papandayan along with biological variety mendalamnya is protected by republic of indonesia country.

g. papandayan has natural forest quiet, this natural forest can we meet in height 1900 – 2675 mdpl. botanist classifies forest in this height as ridges forest on and sub-alpin. plant watchfulness in the year 2004 mendaerah between hovel saladah until long bon irigated dry field unfolds forest condition as follows.

in crater region, we can see underbrush plant that hold back towards poisongas likes suwagi, crater grass and crater nail. more go away from crater, underbrush plant is multifariouser kind again. besides suwagi, seal tree, ramo gencel, huru koneng, underbrush harendong, edelweiss, crater grass, beautician nail, plant spreads gandapura and bungburn can we meet men region this.

more to road edge, we shall meet tree ki perfume the branch will be be filled benjolan mendomonasi scenery. to north rear region former resthouse hoogbert hut, forest condition begins to change because crater influence that begin to decrease. forest here being filled by trees berdiameter meeting with forest floor but seldom menumbuhi underbrush, we can see tree kendung, anggrit, huru stone and huru sintok. besides, nail plant bagedor also can we meet with grass carex and underbrush teklan.

begin from cisupabeureum (2126 mdpl), mengaki g. puntang until long bon irigated dry field, trees berdiameter big that muffled by mould with meeting forest floor menumbuhi by plant bubukuan can we meet here. tree anggrit and ki rain very dominate in this forest, besides dog laurel and greetings beurit. two ground cover herb kinds that is elatostema eurhynchum and elatostema rostratum in evidence here with plant spreads arbei forest.

at long bon irigated dry field, we can find 25 herb plant kinds coexist seagegrass. several mengantaranya that jut ki tendon, antanan and scleria estis. plant endemic alchemilla villosa and scarce plant primula imperalis detectable also at this field.

besides plants on, we also can see and watch closely several wild faunas alive at forest papandayan this, like monkey surili, black monkey, boar, mencek and spotted tiger. mendaerah forest hem near our estate will see easily animal tando, skink and careh.

follow dutch colonial document note, yore admit of met bullock, deer and mouse deer that seen to weed at long bon irigated dry field. predator shaped also still often appear java tiger. but now all only is living memories, faunas destroyed.

dutch nationality bird researcher nameds hoogerwerf in the year 1948 report found 115 bird kinds alive at g. papandayan. watchfulness in the year 2004 in side west g. papandayan, from hovel saladah until long bon irigated dry field with forest borderland with garden at canning has been found 73 bird kinds. eight kinds mengantaranya endemic java and 15 another kinds is protected by legislation. found 2 bird kinds threatened extinction, that is java eagle and faded mount with 2 another bird kinds that approach and threatened destroyed that is wallet mount and cica sun.

menyekitar crater wall, found predator bird dadali and alap dragonfly. temporary mendaerah forest that dominated by plant suwagi menyekitar crater, easy met glasses bird, balecot, tengtelok and tikukur.

at forest as free as crater up to long bon irigated dry field, we can see sepah mount, broom bird, mungguk stripe, wergan and glasses together with quill fights and cincoang blue that occupy bush. bird saeran, saeran gray and walik purple head also often seed in this forest. while faded mount and faded tiger wants neatness to see it.
 based on from habit eat it, birds at g. papandayan a large part (64%) insectivorous (insectivor). this condition shows big bird part in watches over insect population balance found at forest papandayan.

nature panorama and volcano tour (vulkanowisata)
g. papandayan besides known many people because nature panoramas, crater beauty and sunrise that decoy, also be known many people because the mount conditions that can be made science source to all volcano observer. belong to all student, student university and researcher that need datas related to batural sciences branch like forestry, geology, vulcanology, geophysics and

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

era temple borobudur

borobudur buddhism temple located in borobudur, magelang, central java,  era temple borobudur and be biggest buddha temple in indonesia. temple location approximately 100 km at westside power semarang and 40 km at westside sea yogyakarta. this temple foundeds by buddhism religion followers mahayana around year 800-an bc in dynasty government time syailendra in temple borobudur.

borobudur built by king samaratungga, temple borobudur one of [the] kingdom king mataram ancient, dynasty breed syailendra. based on inscription kayumwungan, a indonesia nameds hudaya kandahjaya unfold that borobudur a religious service place finished built 26 mays 824, almost centenary since early days is built. name borobudur self follow several persons means a mount berteras-teras (budhara), temporary several other say borobudur mean monastery located in tall place.

temple borobudur formed punden berundak, consist of six rectan formed levels, three circle round formed levels and a stupa principal as the top. besides widespread at all tingkat-tingkatan several stupa. borobudur high rise ten describe clearly sect philosophy mahayana. like a book, borobudur describe ten stages bodhisattva that must be passed to achieve fullness be buddhism.

foot part borobudur symbolize kamadhatu, that is world that still to dominated by kama or " low desire" . this part is a large part closed by stone stack that is guessed made to brace temple construction. in this addition structure closed part is found 120 story panels kammawibhangga. a part little that addition structure be separated out so that person admit of to see relief in this part.

four floors with wall berelief at on it by experts is called rupadhatu. square formed the floor. rupadhatu world that can free self from desire,  but still bound by aspect and form. this stage symbolizes nature between that is, between nature under and nature on. in part rupadhatu this is buddhism statues found in wall clefts above ballustrade or gailery.

begin floor fifth up to seventh mendingnya not berelief. this stage is called arupadhatu (that mean not shaped or not extant). circle formed floor sketch. this stage symbolizes nature on, where human freed from all willing and form tie and aspect, but not yet achieve nirvana. buddhism statues is laided in stupa that closed wormeaten like in cage. from outside that statues stills appear dimly.

highest stage that describes form lack is symbolized shaped stupa biggest and highest. stupa described artless without holes.

borobudur doesn't has adoration spaces like temples other. existing long roads that are small street. roads are limitted wall surround level temple by level. at roads here's buddhism people is estimated to do ceremony walks to surround temple up at right. building form without room and this storeyed structure is guessed to be development from form punden berundak, be original architecture form from indonesia prehistory time.

structure borobudur when seen from on form field structure. and structure borobudur doesn't wear cement absolutely, but system interlock that is like beams lego that can menempel without glue.

at every stage is chiselled reliefs in temple wall. these reliefs is read appropriate clockwise or called mapradaksina in javanese kuna that come from sanskrit south that east. these reliefs is diverse the story contents, among others story reliefs ja-taka.

these relief stories reading always is begun,  and end in side gateway east at every the level, begin it on the left and end on the right that gateway. so manifestly that is eastside ladder rises truthfully (principal) and aim temple top, mean that temple looks easterly although true similar another sides.

according to runtutan, so story in temple relief in a word have a meaning as follows:

temple foot narateds karmawibhangga that consist of 160 figures. as according to symbolic meaning in temple foot, relief that decorate wall batur under cover describe law karma. relief line bot such a story series (serial),  but in every figure describes a story that has causality correlation. relief bot even will give description towards human disgraceful deed will be espoused with punishment that memperolehnya,  but also human good deed and reward. as a whole be human life depiction in circle borns - alive - die (samsara) never end,  and by chain buddhism religion will be called that be ended to will aim fullness.
my level narateds lalitawistara that consist of 120 figures that be story depiction the buddhism in a series reliefs (but bot such a complete story) that is begun from go down it the buddhism from heaven tusita,  and end in first advice at deer park near city banaras. this relief is in line from ladder in side half south, after melampui relief line as much as 27 figures that begun from side ladder east. ke-27 figure describe bustle, either in also at world, as preparation to greet to present it latest incarnation the bodhisattwa as buddhism candidate. relief describe to born it the buddhism at arcapada this as prince siddhartha, prince suddhodana and illusion queen from country kapilawastu. relief number 120 figures, end in first advice, symbolically declared as wheel twiddling dharma, teachings the buddhism at mention dharma also mean" law" , while dharma symbolized as wheel.
besides at my level also narated jataka and awadana that consist of 500 figures and at level ii story jataka and awadana continued where consist of 100 figures. jataka story about the buddhism before gived as prince siddharta. its contents is main good deed extrusion, distinguish the bodhisattwa from creature other manapun also. actually, good service/deed collecting is preparation stage in effort aims ketingkat ke-buddha-an. while awadana, basically much the same to with jataka but the executant not the bodhisattwa, but another person and the story is collected in book mewyawadana that mean godhead noble deed,  and book awadanasataka or one hundred stories awadana. in temple relief borobudur jataka and awadana, treated same, mean both found in a series same without discriminated. collection famousest from life the bodhisattwa jatakamala or story series jataka, poet work aryasura and jang live in century fourth bc.
level ii, iii,  and iv, narated gandawyuha that consist of 460 figures. gandawyuha be relief line decorates road wall second, story sudhana that wander without know tired in the effort looks for highest erudition about true truth by sudhana. the depiction in 460 figures is based in buddhism holy book mahayana have a title gandawyuha,  and for the casing part based on another book story that is bhadracari.

in the year 1991, temple borobudur appointed as as world inheritance by unesco

beautiful coast parangtritis

parangtritis, a beach coast samudra indies situated approximately 25 kilometer half south city yogyakarta. parangtritis be tour object enough famous special province yogyakarta besides another coast object likes samas, baron, kukup krakal and coast glagah. coast parangtritis has scenery uniqueness not found in another tour object that is besides big wave also mount existence - sand mount tinngi around coast, sand mount usually called dune coast parangtritis.

nomenclature parangtritis has kesejarahan aloof. they say, somebody nameds mempokusumo that be fugitive from kingdom majapahit come to this region hundreds of last year to does meditation. when see water drops that flow from reef gap, he is even also menamai this region is parangtritis, from machete word (=batu) and tumaritis (=tetesan water). coast located in that region is even also final menamai similar.

coast parangtritis be myth full coast, believed to be realization from unitary trimurti that consist of mount merapi, kraton yogyakarta and parangtritis. this coast also believed as place meet it panembahan senopati with sunan kalijaga a moment after finished endure hermitage. in that meeting, senopati reminded so that heart low permanent as administrator although has miracle.

coast parangtritis activity that can be done at this coast among others enjoy scenery from various location and manner can by walk from eastward to west and look at southerly,  or can charter two-wheeled carriage service, and/or mounted.

here also found another tour objects, cemetery for example syeh advocate belu located in road aims coast, cave langse. cave langse often called queen cave kidul this goed with walk as far as 3 km and pass ledge as high as 400 meters. to enter cave must ask permission in expert the key beforehand,  and sea scenery south beautifuler seen from this cave.

besides there swimming pool that called machete wedang. they say water at swimming pool can cure assorted disease mengantaranya skin disease, water from swimming pool contain sulphur that come from pengunungan at location. location other machete coast kusumo where at coast found place they say for meeting between king jogjakarta with sea queen south.

on 5 months 5 in china calendar, done ceremony procession peh cun at parangtritis. peh cun, come from word peh that mean oar and cun that mean boat, be form thanks god society tioghoa in god. this celebration also aim to recall khut gwan (qi yuan), a patriot and all at once minister in kingdom time that known the loyalty in king up to he is slanderred by the friend and choose to kill self.

celebration peh cun at coast parangtritisbelong to unique because doesn't loaded with attraction rows boat dresses up dragon as in other place,  but with egg attraction stands. attraction is begun around blow 11.00 and culminate at 12.00. at midday, follow belief, egg can stand upright without be buttressed. but, so enter blow 13.00, egg fallen down by itself and not can founded again.

in certain days (usually month suro) here is done devoting sesajian (labuhan) for sea queen south or in javanese is called nyai rara kidul. coast parangtritis be tourist principal visit place especially in evening java bew year

how temple prambanan yogyakarta

temple prambanan temple that built at century ke-10 in government time two kings, rakai captivation and rakai balitung. tallly 47 meters (5 higher meters from temple borobudur), this temple shows hindu triumph at java soil. this temple is situated 17 kilometer from downtown yogyakarta.

there a legend always told java society about this temple. it was told, man nameds bandung bondowoso love roro jonggrang. because not love, jonggrang ask bondowoso make temple with 1000 statues in last night. that request is almost is fulfilled before jonggrang ask village member threshes rice and make big fire so that formed atmosphere likes morning. bondowoso bew can make 999 statues then curse jonggrang be statue ke-1000 because felt to deceived.

temple prambanan has 3 principal temples at principal yard, that is temple wisnu, brahma,  and siwa. third temple symbol trimurti in hindu belief. third that temple looks easterly. every principal temple has one colleague temple that looks to west, that is nandini to siwa, goose to brahma,  and eagle to wisnu. besides, still found 2 temples flanks, 4 temples kelir,  and 4 corner temples. temporary, second yard has 224 temples.

enter temple siwa located in middle and highest the building, found 4 rooms. one statue full principal room siwa, temporary 3 other rooms each full statue durga (wife siwa), agastya (teacher siwa),  and ganesha (son siwa). statue durga that's mentioned over and over as statue roro jonggrang in legend that told above.

at temple wisnu located in borthside temple siwa, there's only one statue containing room wisnu. and so do temple brahma located in half south temple siwa, also there's only one statue full room brahma.

colleague temple enough decoy eagle temple located in near temple wisnu. this temple keeps story about human figure half bird that named eagle. eagle is mystical bird in hindu mythology bertubuh gold, berwajah white, red winged, beaked and winged resemble eagle. estimated, that figure hindu adaptation on figure bennu (means to 'rise' or 'shine', usually mengasosiasikan with god re) in ancient egypt mythology or phoenix in ancient greek mythology. eagle can resque the mother from a curse aruna (eagle elder brother that borned defect) with steal tirta amerta (holy water god)s.

prambanan has also temple relief that hold story ramayana. follow experts, that relief resembles with story ramayana that demoted via tongue tradition. relief other that interesting tree kalpataru in hinduism is assumed as life tree, preservation and environment suitability. at prambanan, tree relief kalpataru described middle pinch lion. this tree existence makes experts considers that century society ke-9 has wisdom in managed the environment.

also found various bird relief at temple pramabanan. bird reliefs at temple prambanan so natural so that biolog even can identify it until genus level. one of them yellow tuft cockatoo relief that invites question. because it, that bird is actually only found at island masakambing, a island in the middle of java sea.

temple prambanan also one of [the] building that come along to broken when quake date 27 mays 2006 then,  but now being repaired.

beautiful road malioboro yogyakarta

road malioboro road name at city yogyakarta that stretches from monument yogyakarta up to to post office intersection yogyakarta that consist of prince road mangkubumi and road jend. a. yani. this road is imaginary axis that connects kraton yogyakarta, monument and top of the mountain merapi.

this road history is formed is a lokalitas trade after sri sultan hameng buwono i develop trade tool passes a tradisional market in the year 1758. after expire 248 year, that place stills to survive as a(n) trade area even be one of [the] ikon yogyakarta that known with malioboro.

situated around 800 meters from kraton yogyakarta, this place is before now chockablock bouquet each time kraton carries out celebration. malioboro in sanskrit means" bouquet" be base road nomenclature.

enjoy experience shops, hunt cinderamata special jogja, tourist can walk along road shoulder berkoridor (arcade). here be met many cloister tradesmans that spread out the merchandise. begin from local industry product likes batik, rattan decoration, shadow play, bamboo industry (key hook, decoration lamp and other as it) also blangkon (special hat java/jogja) with silverware, up to tradesman that sell pernak general little things many met in place trade other. along arcade, tourist besides can shop quietly in a condition clear also rain, also can enjoy fun expense experience moment bargain price. if luck, can decrease one-third or even separoh.

then, there tradisional market that must be visited, that is market beringharjo. here besides can see goods of a kind that sold alongside arcade, this market prepares multifarious tradisional product completeer. besides local product jogja, also available neighbour region product likes batik pekalongan or single batik. look for batik writes or batik print,  or merely look for window decorator curtain with unique motive with beautiful counterpane bermotif batik.

moment sun begins sunk, one by one lapak lesehan begin spreaded out. special food jogja likes gudeg or pecel lele can be enjoyed here besides dish oriental and or sea food with field dish. with songs comfort hits or memories javanese song by when dine road singing beggars.

found several historical objects at this road is among others monument yogyakarta, monument station, great building, market beringharjo, fortress vendeburg and attack monument oemoem 1 march.

this crater exotic queen

sand village reungit present correct at barking hillside with height around 800-900 mdpl. to achieve this place is not too difficult, because from city bogor many city transport that can you use to aim to tour place berhawa enough cold this.

during pay a visit there, you can enjoy queen crater tour object at height 1.338 mdpl. this tour object, really has uniqueness that offered ridges individuality natural freshness.

temperature that range from 10-24 degree celcius always make cold air is indivisible part from the nature atmosphere. even less this place is frequently is touched rain at moment afternoon.

queen crater really has fascination aloof for every visitor. fascination predominantly, among others the geology activity. all day long the crater always boil and take outside sulfide sour gas (h2s) with smell nettles.

sometimes this crater takes hot aqueous vapour outburst consequence thundering voice that forms mist.

but beauty base this river not only captivation visitors to vacates their time by enjoy it.

another bird catcher water temperature asa warm nail. so that this river is principal choice to all visitor to submergeds. even less river water that this sulfide acidulous is believed can cure assorted skin disease.

although this queen crater stills mobile, but not disturb life vegetasi plants at that area. several plant kinds obvious admit of alive, among others plants romogiling (sceferra actinophylla). formed the leaf end roundish. vegetasi this be dominant plants decorates crater.

while several trees berkayu appear another dies burnt consequence on fire by crater activity. and as part from barking mount nature forest area, queen crater even also belong to as heterogeneous forest. so that the nature air ruthless very asa.

to aim sand village reungit, from regency bogor, you can go through it from branch cibatok. furthermore rise publik transport ready deliver to sand reungit or mount bunder.

while, if we like to aim cidahu with general vehicle, stop at branch cidahu, from there rise publik transport until terminal and continue trip to camp earth cangkuang with motorcycle used for public transport service

how story plateau dieng

plateau dieng vast plateau and surrounded by ridges. located in regency area banjarnegara and regency wonosobo,  and reside in westside complex mount sindoro and jagged mount.

plateau dieng mobile vulcanic area and can be said to be giant volcano. crater craters many met there. average height around 2.000m above sea level. temperature at mengeng cool approach cold, revolve 15—20°c day time and 10°c between two lights. in dry season (july and august), air temperature sometimes can achieve 0°c at morning and show hoarfrost by local citizen is called bun upas (" poison dew" ) because causes damage in agriculture plants.

according to administration, dieng include village dieng kulon, district batur, regency banjarnegara and dieng wetan, district kejajar, regency wonosobo. up to year 1990-an this area electricity out of reach and be one of [the] area remoteest at central java.

name plateau dieng be portmanteau word in sanskrit, that is" at" mean mount and " hyang" from word khayangan, mean residence in god and goddess. so mengeng mean place mount occupied in god and goddess.

but there also that say that" plateau dieng" come in study java, that is" edi" mean beautiful/pretty and " aengaeng" mean strange. so mengeng mean beautiful place and has surplus.

area dieng has several tour objects that can be visited her:
1) complex temple pandawa
complex this consist of 5 temples: temple semar, temple arjuna, heroine temple, temple sembadra,  and temple puntadewa. these temples is hindu temple. told that during the period stand hindu kingdom that named kalingga under queen government sima. queen sima this command to establish temples at complex plateau mengeng as adoration form.
queen sima not only establish one complex temple,  but he also establishes several temples other, mengantaranya temple gatotkaca located in hill pangonan, temple dwarawati at hillside prahu,  and temple bima that be biggest temple at area.

2) colour lake and lake pengilon
second this lake is the location close to one another. called colour lake because this lake bounce back various colour. sulphur pregnancy exist in depth bounce back greenness colour, while red algae exist in base bounce back florid light,  and the clear blue coloured lake water appears from sunshine gradation reflection.
lake name pengilon self mean mirror lake. water at this lake is very clear and can bounce back thing shadow exist in vinicity.

3) cave and crater
at colour lake tour object area and lake pengilon also found several caves. one of [the] among others cave semar, length approximately 4m with stone wall and used to meditated. besides cave semar found several caves other, well cave and horse cave. insides well cave found one spring that called" tirta prawitasari" .

besides lake and cave, at area mengeng also found several craters. craters formed from mounts explosion that surround these place. one of them crater sikidang. this crater ejaculates water and hot mud with takes rotten aroma that comes from sulphur pregnancy exist in depth (sulphur pregnancy at this crater stills in safe standard to all visitor). around this place is there are a lot of hole that takes hot water mixes sulphur, so that you must careful moment walk. besides crater sikidang, there also crater candradimuka and crater sileri, laid at not far from crater sikidang.

4) tuk bimakular
at tour area mengeng plateu found a famous spring as river spring source serayu, by the name of tuk bimalukar. “tuk” come from word in javanese that spring, while “bimalukar” taken from myth that go around at this region. sure citizens that this spring is coming from urine bhima sena (figure pandawa in pewayangan) that is racing kurawa to is making river. at the (time) of he opens the clothes, bhima sena see pretty woman that disturb it and he says “sira ayu” (in has meaning “ka cantik”). afterwards, urine bhima sena be a spring and be source from river serayu (name serayu come from word “sira ayu” mengucapkannya). follow citizen belief, water that come from tuk bimalukar can make person be ageless.

5) theater dieng
at this area also can watch film berdurasi around 20 minutes at mengeng plateu theater. this theater location is at hillside sikendil, approximately 300 m from colour lake. here you will watching several events ever will happen at plateau area dieng, one of them crater tragedy event sinila in the year 1979 menewas hundreds citizen dieng.

6) tea estate tambi
tea estate tambi this is the location not far from tour area dieng. in place this, not only look at the green tea tree rug,  but can also enjoy tea dish that produced from estate.