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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

how story plateau dieng

plateau dieng vast plateau and surrounded by ridges. located in regency area banjarnegara and regency wonosobo,  and reside in westside complex mount sindoro and jagged mount.

plateau dieng mobile vulcanic area and can be said to be giant volcano. crater craters many met there. average height around 2.000m above sea level. temperature at mengeng cool approach cold, revolve 15—20°c day time and 10°c between two lights. in dry season (july and august), air temperature sometimes can achieve 0°c at morning and show hoarfrost by local citizen is called bun upas (" poison dew" ) because causes damage in agriculture plants.

according to administration, dieng include village dieng kulon, district batur, regency banjarnegara and dieng wetan, district kejajar, regency wonosobo. up to year 1990-an this area electricity out of reach and be one of [the] area remoteest at central java.

name plateau dieng be portmanteau word in sanskrit, that is" at" mean mount and " hyang" from word khayangan, mean residence in god and goddess. so mengeng mean place mount occupied in god and goddess.

but there also that say that" plateau dieng" come in study java, that is" edi" mean beautiful/pretty and " aengaeng" mean strange. so mengeng mean beautiful place and has surplus.

area dieng has several tour objects that can be visited her:
1) complex temple pandawa
complex this consist of 5 temples: temple semar, temple arjuna, heroine temple, temple sembadra,  and temple puntadewa. these temples is hindu temple. told that during the period stand hindu kingdom that named kalingga under queen government sima. queen sima this command to establish temples at complex plateau mengeng as adoration form.
queen sima not only establish one complex temple,  but he also establishes several temples other, mengantaranya temple gatotkaca located in hill pangonan, temple dwarawati at hillside prahu,  and temple bima that be biggest temple at area.

2) colour lake and lake pengilon
second this lake is the location close to one another. called colour lake because this lake bounce back various colour. sulphur pregnancy exist in depth bounce back greenness colour, while red algae exist in base bounce back florid light,  and the clear blue coloured lake water appears from sunshine gradation reflection.
lake name pengilon self mean mirror lake. water at this lake is very clear and can bounce back thing shadow exist in vinicity.

3) cave and crater
at colour lake tour object area and lake pengilon also found several caves. one of [the] among others cave semar, length approximately 4m with stone wall and used to meditated. besides cave semar found several caves other, well cave and horse cave. insides well cave found one spring that called" tirta prawitasari" .

besides lake and cave, at area mengeng also found several craters. craters formed from mounts explosion that surround these place. one of them crater sikidang. this crater ejaculates water and hot mud with takes rotten aroma that comes from sulphur pregnancy exist in depth (sulphur pregnancy at this crater stills in safe standard to all visitor). around this place is there are a lot of hole that takes hot water mixes sulphur, so that you must careful moment walk. besides crater sikidang, there also crater candradimuka and crater sileri, laid at not far from crater sikidang.

4) tuk bimakular
at tour area mengeng plateu found a famous spring as river spring source serayu, by the name of tuk bimalukar. “tuk” come from word in javanese that spring, while “bimalukar” taken from myth that go around at this region. sure citizens that this spring is coming from urine bhima sena (figure pandawa in pewayangan) that is racing kurawa to is making river. at the (time) of he opens the clothes, bhima sena see pretty woman that disturb it and he says “sira ayu” (in has meaning “ka cantik”). afterwards, urine bhima sena be a spring and be source from river serayu (name serayu come from word “sira ayu” mengucapkannya). follow citizen belief, water that come from tuk bimalukar can make person be ageless.

5) theater dieng
at this area also can watch film berdurasi around 20 minutes at mengeng plateu theater. this theater location is at hillside sikendil, approximately 300 m from colour lake. here you will watching several events ever will happen at plateau area dieng, one of them crater tragedy event sinila in the year 1979 menewas hundreds citizen dieng.

6) tea estate tambi
tea estate tambi this is the location not far from tour area dieng. in place this, not only look at the green tea tree rug,  but can also enjoy tea dish that produced from estate.


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