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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

maumere flores

On the north coast of Flores, roughly equidistant between Ende and Larantuka, MAUMERE was once the visitor centre and best diving resort in Flores. However, since the terrible earthquake of December 1992, it's been a beaten town, still disfigured by heaps of rubble and unrepaired buildings. The majority of the dive sites have been obliterated and those that remain have fairly stunted coral growth. Maumere is the capital of Sikka district, which stretches all the way to the east coast. It's especially renowned for its weaving , which characteristically has maroon, white and blue geometric patterns, in horizontal rows on a black or dark-blue background.
Maumere is the largest town of Flores and the centre of business. It lies on the north coast of the island and the port is in the northwest part of the town.
A port town northeastern coast of Flores and a stopover on the way to Ende or to Larantuka. It is well connected by air with Kupang, Denpasar, and Unjung Pandang, and noted for its good beaches. The bay of Maumere is considered the best diving spot (Flores-Marine Resort) as it promises extremely rich marine file. The resort is a paradise for all divers, underwater photographers, and for everyone interested in marine biology.
Ledalero museum at the outskirts of Maumere has an interesting collection of ethnological objects from the region. Visitors are welcome but advance arrangements should be made. Ledarero is also a name of a major catholic Seminary from where many of Florinese priests originated.

General Information
Without doubt  Flores is one of the most interesting and most beautiful islands of Indonesia.  In the west on the neighboring island of Komodo it is possible to watch the  Komodo-Dragons, 3-m-long lizards resembling prehistoric animals.
The  interior of the island is shaped by a string of volcanos. The tourists`highlight  is mount Kelimutu with its three coloured changing crater-lakes, situated  between Ende and Maumere. The local people are friendly and very hospitable.

Going there
It is possible  to go to Flores by public transport from Bali via Sumbawa. It is easier and  faster if you take one of the regular flights to Bima on Sumbawa and from there  take the ferry via Komodo to Labuhan Bajo on Flores. It is also possible to fly  from Bali to destinations like Labuhan Bajo and Ende, however the small  airplanes flying to these destinations are very often booked up, especially  during the high season.
There are at least three different diving areas  on Flores: In the east, in Labuhan Bajo, there is reasonable diving around the  islands. And there is of course the world class diving of Komodo not far away.  dives in the Labuhan Bajo area, seems not to be so good,  there is a lot of damage caused by  dynamite fishing. For snorkeling it is a very good area. You can find cheap  hotels and many losmen in town and it is easy to arrange trips to the world  class dive spots around Komodo and Rinca.


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