if hear coast word, what rushed by first time in mind you? white sand! ! ! yeah, that also that rushed by at my idea. coast santolo, give that answer! white sand, slopes, winsome wave sensation with fish burns that coddle tongue. i impress with white sand rug enough long at coast santolo. the white sand type even also enough soft and soft. coast rug slopes, make so pleasant lying down at sand rug. the main from natural side, this coast has potential menjanji, as tour place for family.
free toll cileunyi, distance aims this coast around 112 km, seen enough far yeah! but if you belong kind one who “memasu also as part from wisata”, i guarantee, trip as far as that is very fun. road access begins from city garut until coast santolo, very good (pure asphalt and wide road enough), only perforated road obstacle pittance or road brokens. most jut from trip between city garut until pameupeuk road right left scenery condition highly varied. we shall pass by district cities with stores or special market, forest area, persawahan and tea garden. our eye will be presented with panorama that coddle eye. how not, we across beautiful hills, cool and sure with devious road sensation fun. the main, fun trip deh.
at coast area santolo, like most coast tour area in indonesia, at contents with restaurant quantity sea food and noisy doss house. if you don't take exeption to to a little heating, there many inns with class 50rb s/d 100 rb permalam there. correct inn location at coast edge, so that in tidurpun, you can enjoy coast wave pounding south menggelegar! tour kuliner with berpuas cheerful enjoy sea food even also enough murah…i kerapu/kakap/cake can you enjoy appropriate your taste only with 60-70rb per kg in a condition ripe and ready dine! ! !
you be fed up with coast with white sand slopes? , with menyebrangi estuary (pays 2rb/person boat cost), you have resided in coast side santolo different. beside this estuary, the coast at domination with cliffs (cliff coast), so that when lessened, you can play to middle ocean, pass by hard cliffs exist in there! …cukup complete, coast dish that setted out at coast santolo-pameungpeuk this!
spot coast santolo actually enough good for you photography hobby. white sand, cliff, wave, forest, fisherman boat, sunset, cloud and many lagi…sayang fit i am there, overcast and rain. but that doesn't decrease spirit to berfoto ria…
one my negative note is cleanliness pantai…. beside most outside coast santolo, quite a lot plastic rubbishes and another rubbish materials. formerly i thought visitor neh most responsible for this rubbish. obvious, my guess not 100% bener. i am memergoki 2 times. restauranteur and inn there, throw away 3 rubbish pails with the relax it at coast edge, correct rear their effort place. they throw away, and invite wave, to haul rubbish at sea (while a part that rubbish, return again to coast). they make coast and sea santolo with white sand beautiful that is as tpa (place of exile end)s from their production process result rubbish! ! ! i try to chat with them, , , at answer light, “iya, emang difficult sir membilangin, and also so sih sir everybody! ! ! ! ” whew, if without prevention effort with, i am this coast afraid, long too long be rubbish coast, and at koid tourist! ! ! who also that lost if so? ? ?
may, if you there, you come along to remind them to begin to managed rubbish in a fair way and true, without necessary sacrifice coast santolo beautiful that
Friday, May 6, 2011
coast santolo

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