william and kate leave their house at anglesey, wales north in monday (9/5) yesterday rise helicopter aimed airport that will deliver them to their honeymoon place with jet plane.
they arrive at island mahe, the biggest island at isle group there in tuesday (10/5) morning then change with helicopter to isle that so their honeymoon aim. at that island is there's only one house in the country with rate 4 thousands poundsterling last night.
seychelles2keputusan this end speculation berminggu-minggu where they future honeymoon. previous, there news to it future chosen because there the prince applies kate. then there also that called them future honeymoon at a remote island at caribean, offshore australian, king house in the country jordan at red sea, up to hollywood, california. prince william and kate ascertain future to california in july, but clear not for honeymoon.
united kingdom air force side, place william have a duty as soldiers, justify the prince goes to take to leave during two week. ticker newspaper registers, pair william and kate future reside in that island during 10 days.
a tourism ministry spokesman says glad hear news william and kate berbulan honey to seychelles. “kami sure there they will get placidity and freshment, and bothing;there is no place better besides there, ” that spokesman word.
island that occupied william described as island in the style of novel robinson crusoe with made house in the country from wood is equiped cook and individual waitress that prepares local food dish.
coast there very beautiful and fit for sport snorkeling. william that have an interest in nature conservation future like to look around scarce turtle.
archipelago seychelles that dominated english since colonial era really often so jet circle honeymoon aim set. isle that number 115 there be choice one who want to get privasi and tropical batural beauty.
in the history, that archipelago soes pirate location keeps their pay dirt and outcast place pierre-louis poiret, guessed dauphin, that child from king louis xvi france
Thursday, May 19, 2011
prince aim island william and prince kate

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