name papandayan, come from sundanese “panday” that mean clever iron. formerly, when does society across this mount, often heard voices that resemble conditon menempat iron clever work, that voice comes from crater very mobile. the above is true this mount is then is called papandayan by society this mount.
mount papandayan located in around 25 km westside regency power garut, with geographical position 7o19’ paralel south and 107 o 44’ longitude east with height 2665 mdpl or around 1950 m on plain garut. beside south this mount is found g. thunder and beside east it found g. cikuray.
g. papandayan be cone most south from volcano line at priangan south that classified (since dutch colonial period) as mobile mount enough dangerous at west java. explosions that since yore make these mount form likes horse poultice cut. crater tuanya located in town square bon irigated dry field that long die and turn into opened field. this old crater wall forms complex ridges with puncak-puncak that is g. unlucky (2675 mdpl), g. masigit (2619 mdpl), g. saroni (2611 mdpl) and g. papandayan (2665 mdpl) that surround town square bon irigated dry field. at field here's appear spring that incarnate to be river ciparugpug.
menyekitar areal this horse poultice, we also can see little mounts that surround g. papandayan, among others g. puntang (2555 mdpl), g. walirang (2238 mdpl), g. nail bon irigated dry field (2225 mdpl) and g. glorious (2422 mdpl). temporary melembah between g. puntang and g. walirang found river cibeureum big that flow to river cimanuk.
explosion history
in history note, big explosion ever happens at g. papandayan in 11 – 12 augusts 1772. this big explosion causess destruction in part this mount body, form horse poultice crater opens towards borth-east.
here's awful explosion g. papandayan recorded in history. besides smash a part the body, this explosion also smash 40 settlements mendataran tall garut, consume soul victim approximately 2957 person and kill more than 1500 cows, buffalo, goat, and another pet animals.
g. papandayan
in the year 1819, great garden founder bogor, c. g. c reindwardt german nationality is first foreign ones that climbs this mount. in times here's, g. papandayan be heaven to all vulcanologist and vegetation until now.
follow opinion r. d. m. verbeek and r. fennema, explosion g. papandayan in the year 1772 go on as does that at g. semeru at east java in the year 1885, but stronger. when does the happening of this explosion seen fire the vomit during 5 minutes that come from crater papandayan (brother crater), followed with lawina lower region smash stones. event go down it lawina stones is called that be main from explosion insident g. papandayan in the year 1772.
afterwards, this mount experiences calm time returns until 11 marches 1923 moment crater papandayan (brother crater) begin to flare up to return up to 9 marches 1925. during 2 year, little explosion doesn't endanger often happen at this mount.
explosion that in 11 marches 1923 this is recorded comes from crater found at town square bon irigated dry field, that is shaped mud explosion and pebbles as big as head one who throwed up to approximately 150 m.
follow chief of a district explanation and citizen cisurupan, explosion on 11 marches 1923 this happen in bighttime with foregone by light earthquake. from this explosion insident, new explosion field found and called new crater. in explosion field for the width of 100 m, 7 explosion holes is found and a little lake formed.
concurrent with new crater formation on, in june 1923, at foot g. nangklak (a steep wall half south brother crater) formed also a new crater that is given crater name nangklak with 3 explosion holes mendalamnya.
during the year 1924 up to 1925, little explosions happen according to by turns at each different crater up to mount inipun final enters rest time enough long until big explosion happens to return in 11 novembers 2002.
on monday, 11 novembers 2002 blows 15.30, g. papandayan begin to return the activity after almost 60 year endure the rest time.
explosion in the year 2002 this foregone by explosion freatik little on 1 – 3 octobers 2002 that at brother crater that causes the increasing of this mount activity. temperature at brother crater experiences enhanced and sempat burn sulphur sedimet found mendalamnya.
on 10 novembers 2002, volcano observation post papandayan register enhanced significant total quakes vulcanic type b as much as 60 times. quake this mark crack system and soil at brother crater area is satisfied with aqueous vapour and pressure, all at once activate steam system at brother crater aims to explosion freatik furthermore.
on 11 novembers 2002, explosion freatik first happen at new crater at 16.03 wib, that is shaped thick dust outburst into the air that achieves height 5 km from on the top. explosion at this new crater causess the happening of terrible slide menyebagian hill wall nangklak, landslide materials fall to river hilt cibeureum big and cause mud large flood along river cibeureum big at kec. bayongbong. recorded 5 houses brokens heavy and road between garut with cikajang brokened off.
explosion year 2002 also change horse poultice valley face g. papandayan, materials that spilled accumulate base valley and bury river stream ciparugpug. temporary g. nangklak experience terrible slide concurrent with bentuknya several new craters.
several insidents on in this mount explosion history brings g. papandayan be a important location to all penikmat from since yore until now.
in this time g. papandayan be one of [the] mobile volcano at west java that developed to be panorama tour object and location to all volcano researcher at foreign countries.
bewitch tour objects found at these mount formed baturally from process vulkanisma that go on at old world. activity that during hundreds of year this, produce and leave special nature forms shaped cone volcano, crater, singkapan stoney and bentuknya new structures shaped curug (water jumps, lake, hot spring, hot steam outburst hole from within soil, pools boil and rust colored sulphur sedimet that slurr with unfold nature at fulfill clutter rock and opened plains that is muffled grassy field and plant edelweis beautiful or mould wrapped old forests that amaze.
this uniquenesses distinguish beauty g. papandayan with mount api-gunung another fire in indonesia.
biological variety
g. papandayan have come to nature preserve since year 1924. at the time dutch colonial government decides forest area and crater papandayan for the width of 884 ha be nature preserve. in this time nature preserve vast total has increased to be 6807 ha augmenting nature tour park for the width of 225 ha. nature preserve vast increasing and this nature tour park appointeds to pass forestry minister letter of appointment no. 226/kpts/1990 date 8-5-1990. the area covers g. papandayan, g. puntang, g. glorious, g. kendang, long bon irigated dry field and crater darajat. with the status as nature preserve means g. papandayan along with biological variety mendalamnya is protected by republic of indonesia country.
g. papandayan has natural forest quiet, this natural forest can we meet in height 1900 – 2675 mdpl. botanist classifies forest in this height as ridges forest on and sub-alpin. plant watchfulness in the year 2004 mendaerah between hovel saladah until long bon irigated dry field unfolds forest condition as follows.
in crater region, we can see underbrush plant that hold back towards poisongas likes suwagi, crater grass and crater nail. more go away from crater, underbrush plant is multifariouser kind again. besides suwagi, seal tree, ramo gencel, huru koneng, underbrush harendong, edelweiss, crater grass, beautician nail, plant spreads gandapura and bungburn can we meet men region this.
more to road edge, we shall meet tree ki perfume the branch will be be filled benjolan mendomonasi scenery. to north rear region former resthouse hoogbert hut, forest condition begins to change because crater influence that begin to decrease. forest here being filled by trees berdiameter meeting with forest floor but seldom menumbuhi underbrush, we can see tree kendung, anggrit, huru stone and huru sintok. besides, nail plant bagedor also can we meet with grass carex and underbrush teklan.
begin from cisupabeureum (2126 mdpl), mengaki g. puntang until long bon irigated dry field, trees berdiameter big that muffled by mould with meeting forest floor menumbuhi by plant bubukuan can we meet here. tree anggrit and ki rain very dominate in this forest, besides dog laurel and greetings beurit. two ground cover herb kinds that is elatostema eurhynchum and elatostema rostratum in evidence here with plant spreads arbei forest.
at long bon irigated dry field, we can find 25 herb plant kinds coexist seagegrass. several mengantaranya that jut ki tendon, antanan and scleria estis. plant endemic alchemilla villosa and scarce plant primula imperalis detectable also at this field.
besides plants on, we also can see and watch closely several wild faunas alive at forest papandayan this, like monkey surili, black monkey, boar, mencek and spotted tiger. mendaerah forest hem near our estate will see easily animal tando, skink and careh.
follow dutch colonial document note, yore admit of met bullock, deer and mouse deer that seen to weed at long bon irigated dry field. predator shaped also still often appear java tiger. but now all only is living memories, faunas destroyed.
dutch nationality bird researcher nameds hoogerwerf in the year 1948 report found 115 bird kinds alive at g. papandayan. watchfulness in the year 2004 in side west g. papandayan, from hovel saladah until long bon irigated dry field with forest borderland with garden at canning has been found 73 bird kinds. eight kinds mengantaranya endemic java and 15 another kinds is protected by legislation. found 2 bird kinds threatened extinction, that is java eagle and faded mount with 2 another bird kinds that approach and threatened destroyed that is wallet mount and cica sun.
menyekitar crater wall, found predator bird dadali and alap dragonfly. temporary mendaerah forest that dominated by plant suwagi menyekitar crater, easy met glasses bird, balecot, tengtelok and tikukur.
at forest as free as crater up to long bon irigated dry field, we can see sepah mount, broom bird, mungguk stripe, wergan and glasses together with quill fights and cincoang blue that occupy bush. bird saeran, saeran gray and walik purple head also often seed in this forest. while faded mount and faded tiger wants neatness to see it.
based on from habit eat it, birds at g. papandayan a large part (64%) insectivorous (insectivor). this condition shows big bird part in watches over insect population balance found at forest papandayan.
nature panorama and volcano tour (vulkanowisata)
g. papandayan besides known many people because nature panoramas, crater beauty and sunrise that decoy, also be known many people because the mount conditions that can be made science source to all volcano observer. belong to all student, student university and researcher that need datas related to batural sciences branch like forestry, geology, vulcanology, geophysics and