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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

era temple borobudur

borobudur buddhism temple located in borobudur, magelang, central java,  era temple borobudur and be biggest buddha temple in indonesia. temple location approximately 100 km at westside power semarang and 40 km at westside sea yogyakarta. this temple foundeds by buddhism religion followers mahayana around year 800-an bc in dynasty government time syailendra in temple borobudur.

borobudur built by king samaratungga, temple borobudur one of [the] kingdom king mataram ancient, dynasty breed syailendra. based on inscription kayumwungan, a indonesia nameds hudaya kandahjaya unfold that borobudur a religious service place finished built 26 mays 824, almost centenary since early days is built. name borobudur self follow several persons means a mount berteras-teras (budhara), temporary several other say borobudur mean monastery located in tall place.

temple borobudur formed punden berundak, consist of six rectan formed levels, three circle round formed levels and a stupa principal as the top. besides widespread at all tingkat-tingkatan several stupa. borobudur high rise ten describe clearly sect philosophy mahayana. like a book, borobudur describe ten stages bodhisattva that must be passed to achieve fullness be buddhism.

foot part borobudur symbolize kamadhatu, that is world that still to dominated by kama or " low desire" . this part is a large part closed by stone stack that is guessed made to brace temple construction. in this addition structure closed part is found 120 story panels kammawibhangga. a part little that addition structure be separated out so that person admit of to see relief in this part.

four floors with wall berelief at on it by experts is called rupadhatu. square formed the floor. rupadhatu world that can free self from desire,  but still bound by aspect and form. this stage symbolizes nature between that is, between nature under and nature on. in part rupadhatu this is buddhism statues found in wall clefts above ballustrade or gailery.

begin floor fifth up to seventh mendingnya not berelief. this stage is called arupadhatu (that mean not shaped or not extant). circle formed floor sketch. this stage symbolizes nature on, where human freed from all willing and form tie and aspect, but not yet achieve nirvana. buddhism statues is laided in stupa that closed wormeaten like in cage. from outside that statues stills appear dimly.

highest stage that describes form lack is symbolized shaped stupa biggest and highest. stupa described artless without holes.

borobudur doesn't has adoration spaces like temples other. existing long roads that are small street. roads are limitted wall surround level temple by level. at roads here's buddhism people is estimated to do ceremony walks to surround temple up at right. building form without room and this storeyed structure is guessed to be development from form punden berundak, be original architecture form from indonesia prehistory time.

structure borobudur when seen from on form field structure. and structure borobudur doesn't wear cement absolutely, but system interlock that is like beams lego that can menempel without glue.

at every stage is chiselled reliefs in temple wall. these reliefs is read appropriate clockwise or called mapradaksina in javanese kuna that come from sanskrit south that east. these reliefs is diverse the story contents, among others story reliefs ja-taka.

these relief stories reading always is begun,  and end in side gateway east at every the level, begin it on the left and end on the right that gateway. so manifestly that is eastside ladder rises truthfully (principal) and aim temple top, mean that temple looks easterly although true similar another sides.

according to runtutan, so story in temple relief in a word have a meaning as follows:

temple foot narateds karmawibhangga that consist of 160 figures. as according to symbolic meaning in temple foot, relief that decorate wall batur under cover describe law karma. relief line bot such a story series (serial),  but in every figure describes a story that has causality correlation. relief bot even will give description towards human disgraceful deed will be espoused with punishment that memperolehnya,  but also human good deed and reward. as a whole be human life depiction in circle borns - alive - die (samsara) never end,  and by chain buddhism religion will be called that be ended to will aim fullness.
my level narateds lalitawistara that consist of 120 figures that be story depiction the buddhism in a series reliefs (but bot such a complete story) that is begun from go down it the buddhism from heaven tusita,  and end in first advice at deer park near city banaras. this relief is in line from ladder in side half south, after melampui relief line as much as 27 figures that begun from side ladder east. ke-27 figure describe bustle, either in also at world, as preparation to greet to present it latest incarnation the bodhisattwa as buddhism candidate. relief describe to born it the buddhism at arcapada this as prince siddhartha, prince suddhodana and illusion queen from country kapilawastu. relief number 120 figures, end in first advice, symbolically declared as wheel twiddling dharma, teachings the buddhism at mention dharma also mean" law" , while dharma symbolized as wheel.
besides at my level also narated jataka and awadana that consist of 500 figures and at level ii story jataka and awadana continued where consist of 100 figures. jataka story about the buddhism before gived as prince siddharta. its contents is main good deed extrusion, distinguish the bodhisattwa from creature other manapun also. actually, good service/deed collecting is preparation stage in effort aims ketingkat ke-buddha-an. while awadana, basically much the same to with jataka but the executant not the bodhisattwa, but another person and the story is collected in book mewyawadana that mean godhead noble deed,  and book awadanasataka or one hundred stories awadana. in temple relief borobudur jataka and awadana, treated same, mean both found in a series same without discriminated. collection famousest from life the bodhisattwa jatakamala or story series jataka, poet work aryasura and jang live in century fourth bc.
level ii, iii,  and iv, narated gandawyuha that consist of 460 figures. gandawyuha be relief line decorates road wall second, story sudhana that wander without know tired in the effort looks for highest erudition about true truth by sudhana. the depiction in 460 figures is based in buddhism holy book mahayana have a title gandawyuha,  and for the casing part based on another book story that is bhadracari.

in the year 1991, temple borobudur appointed as as world inheritance by unesco

beautiful coast parangtritis

parangtritis, a beach coast samudra indies situated approximately 25 kilometer half south city yogyakarta. parangtritis be tour object enough famous special province yogyakarta besides another coast object likes samas, baron, kukup krakal and coast glagah. coast parangtritis has scenery uniqueness not found in another tour object that is besides big wave also mount existence - sand mount tinngi around coast, sand mount usually called dune coast parangtritis.

nomenclature parangtritis has kesejarahan aloof. they say, somebody nameds mempokusumo that be fugitive from kingdom majapahit come to this region hundreds of last year to does meditation. when see water drops that flow from reef gap, he is even also menamai this region is parangtritis, from machete word (=batu) and tumaritis (=tetesan water). coast located in that region is even also final menamai similar.

coast parangtritis be myth full coast, believed to be realization from unitary trimurti that consist of mount merapi, kraton yogyakarta and parangtritis. this coast also believed as place meet it panembahan senopati with sunan kalijaga a moment after finished endure hermitage. in that meeting, senopati reminded so that heart low permanent as administrator although has miracle.

coast parangtritis activity that can be done at this coast among others enjoy scenery from various location and manner can by walk from eastward to west and look at southerly,  or can charter two-wheeled carriage service, and/or mounted.

here also found another tour objects, cemetery for example syeh advocate belu located in road aims coast, cave langse. cave langse often called queen cave kidul this goed with walk as far as 3 km and pass ledge as high as 400 meters. to enter cave must ask permission in expert the key beforehand,  and sea scenery south beautifuler seen from this cave.

besides there swimming pool that called machete wedang. they say water at swimming pool can cure assorted disease mengantaranya skin disease, water from swimming pool contain sulphur that come from pengunungan at location. location other machete coast kusumo where at coast found place they say for meeting between king jogjakarta with sea queen south.

on 5 months 5 in china calendar, done ceremony procession peh cun at parangtritis. peh cun, come from word peh that mean oar and cun that mean boat, be form thanks god society tioghoa in god. this celebration also aim to recall khut gwan (qi yuan), a patriot and all at once minister in kingdom time that known the loyalty in king up to he is slanderred by the friend and choose to kill self.

celebration peh cun at coast parangtritisbelong to unique because doesn't loaded with attraction rows boat dresses up dragon as in other place,  but with egg attraction stands. attraction is begun around blow 11.00 and culminate at 12.00. at midday, follow belief, egg can stand upright without be buttressed. but, so enter blow 13.00, egg fallen down by itself and not can founded again.

in certain days (usually month suro) here is done devoting sesajian (labuhan) for sea queen south or in javanese is called nyai rara kidul. coast parangtritis be tourist principal visit place especially in evening java bew year

how temple prambanan yogyakarta

temple prambanan temple that built at century ke-10 in government time two kings, rakai captivation and rakai balitung. tallly 47 meters (5 higher meters from temple borobudur), this temple shows hindu triumph at java soil. this temple is situated 17 kilometer from downtown yogyakarta.

there a legend always told java society about this temple. it was told, man nameds bandung bondowoso love roro jonggrang. because not love, jonggrang ask bondowoso make temple with 1000 statues in last night. that request is almost is fulfilled before jonggrang ask village member threshes rice and make big fire so that formed atmosphere likes morning. bondowoso bew can make 999 statues then curse jonggrang be statue ke-1000 because felt to deceived.

temple prambanan has 3 principal temples at principal yard, that is temple wisnu, brahma,  and siwa. third temple symbol trimurti in hindu belief. third that temple looks easterly. every principal temple has one colleague temple that looks to west, that is nandini to siwa, goose to brahma,  and eagle to wisnu. besides, still found 2 temples flanks, 4 temples kelir,  and 4 corner temples. temporary, second yard has 224 temples.

enter temple siwa located in middle and highest the building, found 4 rooms. one statue full principal room siwa, temporary 3 other rooms each full statue durga (wife siwa), agastya (teacher siwa),  and ganesha (son siwa). statue durga that's mentioned over and over as statue roro jonggrang in legend that told above.

at temple wisnu located in borthside temple siwa, there's only one statue containing room wisnu. and so do temple brahma located in half south temple siwa, also there's only one statue full room brahma.

colleague temple enough decoy eagle temple located in near temple wisnu. this temple keeps story about human figure half bird that named eagle. eagle is mystical bird in hindu mythology bertubuh gold, berwajah white, red winged, beaked and winged resemble eagle. estimated, that figure hindu adaptation on figure bennu (means to 'rise' or 'shine', usually mengasosiasikan with god re) in ancient egypt mythology or phoenix in ancient greek mythology. eagle can resque the mother from a curse aruna (eagle elder brother that borned defect) with steal tirta amerta (holy water god)s.

prambanan has also temple relief that hold story ramayana. follow experts, that relief resembles with story ramayana that demoted via tongue tradition. relief other that interesting tree kalpataru in hinduism is assumed as life tree, preservation and environment suitability. at prambanan, tree relief kalpataru described middle pinch lion. this tree existence makes experts considers that century society ke-9 has wisdom in managed the environment.

also found various bird relief at temple pramabanan. bird reliefs at temple prambanan so natural so that biolog even can identify it until genus level. one of them yellow tuft cockatoo relief that invites question. because it, that bird is actually only found at island masakambing, a island in the middle of java sea.

temple prambanan also one of [the] building that come along to broken when quake date 27 mays 2006 then,  but now being repaired.

beautiful road malioboro yogyakarta

road malioboro road name at city yogyakarta that stretches from monument yogyakarta up to to post office intersection yogyakarta that consist of prince road mangkubumi and road jend. a. yani. this road is imaginary axis that connects kraton yogyakarta, monument and top of the mountain merapi.

this road history is formed is a lokalitas trade after sri sultan hameng buwono i develop trade tool passes a tradisional market in the year 1758. after expire 248 year, that place stills to survive as a(n) trade area even be one of [the] ikon yogyakarta that known with malioboro.

situated around 800 meters from kraton yogyakarta, this place is before now chockablock bouquet each time kraton carries out celebration. malioboro in sanskrit means" bouquet" be base road nomenclature.

enjoy experience shops, hunt cinderamata special jogja, tourist can walk along road shoulder berkoridor (arcade). here be met many cloister tradesmans that spread out the merchandise. begin from local industry product likes batik, rattan decoration, shadow play, bamboo industry (key hook, decoration lamp and other as it) also blangkon (special hat java/jogja) with silverware, up to tradesman that sell pernak general little things many met in place trade other. along arcade, tourist besides can shop quietly in a condition clear also rain, also can enjoy fun expense experience moment bargain price. if luck, can decrease one-third or even separoh.

then, there tradisional market that must be visited, that is market beringharjo. here besides can see goods of a kind that sold alongside arcade, this market prepares multifarious tradisional product completeer. besides local product jogja, also available neighbour region product likes batik pekalongan or single batik. look for batik writes or batik print,  or merely look for window decorator curtain with unique motive with beautiful counterpane bermotif batik.

moment sun begins sunk, one by one lapak lesehan begin spreaded out. special food jogja likes gudeg or pecel lele can be enjoyed here besides dish oriental and or sea food with field dish. with songs comfort hits or memories javanese song by when dine road singing beggars.

found several historical objects at this road is among others monument yogyakarta, monument station, great building, market beringharjo, fortress vendeburg and attack monument oemoem 1 march.

this crater exotic queen

sand village reungit present correct at barking hillside with height around 800-900 mdpl. to achieve this place is not too difficult, because from city bogor many city transport that can you use to aim to tour place berhawa enough cold this.

during pay a visit there, you can enjoy queen crater tour object at height 1.338 mdpl. this tour object, really has uniqueness that offered ridges individuality natural freshness.

temperature that range from 10-24 degree celcius always make cold air is indivisible part from the nature atmosphere. even less this place is frequently is touched rain at moment afternoon.

queen crater really has fascination aloof for every visitor. fascination predominantly, among others the geology activity. all day long the crater always boil and take outside sulfide sour gas (h2s) with smell nettles.

sometimes this crater takes hot aqueous vapour outburst consequence thundering voice that forms mist.

but beauty base this river not only captivation visitors to vacates their time by enjoy it.

another bird catcher water temperature asa warm nail. so that this river is principal choice to all visitor to submergeds. even less river water that this sulfide acidulous is believed can cure assorted skin disease.

although this queen crater stills mobile, but not disturb life vegetasi plants at that area. several plant kinds obvious admit of alive, among others plants romogiling (sceferra actinophylla). formed the leaf end roundish. vegetasi this be dominant plants decorates crater.

while several trees berkayu appear another dies burnt consequence on fire by crater activity. and as part from barking mount nature forest area, queen crater even also belong to as heterogeneous forest. so that the nature air ruthless very asa.

to aim sand village reungit, from regency bogor, you can go through it from branch cibatok. furthermore rise publik transport ready deliver to sand reungit or mount bunder.

while, if we like to aim cidahu with general vehicle, stop at branch cidahu, from there rise publik transport until terminal and continue trip to camp earth cangkuang with motorcycle used for public transport service

how story plateau dieng

plateau dieng vast plateau and surrounded by ridges. located in regency area banjarnegara and regency wonosobo,  and reside in westside complex mount sindoro and jagged mount.

plateau dieng mobile vulcanic area and can be said to be giant volcano. crater craters many met there. average height around 2.000m above sea level. temperature at mengeng cool approach cold, revolve 15—20°c day time and 10°c between two lights. in dry season (july and august), air temperature sometimes can achieve 0°c at morning and show hoarfrost by local citizen is called bun upas (" poison dew" ) because causes damage in agriculture plants.

according to administration, dieng include village dieng kulon, district batur, regency banjarnegara and dieng wetan, district kejajar, regency wonosobo. up to year 1990-an this area electricity out of reach and be one of [the] area remoteest at central java.

name plateau dieng be portmanteau word in sanskrit, that is" at" mean mount and " hyang" from word khayangan, mean residence in god and goddess. so mengeng mean place mount occupied in god and goddess.

but there also that say that" plateau dieng" come in study java, that is" edi" mean beautiful/pretty and " aengaeng" mean strange. so mengeng mean beautiful place and has surplus.

area dieng has several tour objects that can be visited her:
1) complex temple pandawa
complex this consist of 5 temples: temple semar, temple arjuna, heroine temple, temple sembadra,  and temple puntadewa. these temples is hindu temple. told that during the period stand hindu kingdom that named kalingga under queen government sima. queen sima this command to establish temples at complex plateau mengeng as adoration form.
queen sima not only establish one complex temple,  but he also establishes several temples other, mengantaranya temple gatotkaca located in hill pangonan, temple dwarawati at hillside prahu,  and temple bima that be biggest temple at area.

2) colour lake and lake pengilon
second this lake is the location close to one another. called colour lake because this lake bounce back various colour. sulphur pregnancy exist in depth bounce back greenness colour, while red algae exist in base bounce back florid light,  and the clear blue coloured lake water appears from sunshine gradation reflection.
lake name pengilon self mean mirror lake. water at this lake is very clear and can bounce back thing shadow exist in vinicity.

3) cave and crater
at colour lake tour object area and lake pengilon also found several caves. one of [the] among others cave semar, length approximately 4m with stone wall and used to meditated. besides cave semar found several caves other, well cave and horse cave. insides well cave found one spring that called" tirta prawitasari" .

besides lake and cave, at area mengeng also found several craters. craters formed from mounts explosion that surround these place. one of them crater sikidang. this crater ejaculates water and hot mud with takes rotten aroma that comes from sulphur pregnancy exist in depth (sulphur pregnancy at this crater stills in safe standard to all visitor). around this place is there are a lot of hole that takes hot water mixes sulphur, so that you must careful moment walk. besides crater sikidang, there also crater candradimuka and crater sileri, laid at not far from crater sikidang.

4) tuk bimakular
at tour area mengeng plateu found a famous spring as river spring source serayu, by the name of tuk bimalukar. “tuk” come from word in javanese that spring, while “bimalukar” taken from myth that go around at this region. sure citizens that this spring is coming from urine bhima sena (figure pandawa in pewayangan) that is racing kurawa to is making river. at the (time) of he opens the clothes, bhima sena see pretty woman that disturb it and he says “sira ayu” (in has meaning “ka cantik”). afterwards, urine bhima sena be a spring and be source from river serayu (name serayu come from word “sira ayu” mengucapkannya). follow citizen belief, water that come from tuk bimalukar can make person be ageless.

5) theater dieng
at this area also can watch film berdurasi around 20 minutes at mengeng plateu theater. this theater location is at hillside sikendil, approximately 300 m from colour lake. here you will watching several events ever will happen at plateau area dieng, one of them crater tragedy event sinila in the year 1979 menewas hundreds citizen dieng.

6) tea estate tambi
tea estate tambi this is the location not far from tour area dieng. in place this, not only look at the green tea tree rug,  but can also enjoy tea dish that produced from estate.

beautiful natural sulfur ijen banyuwangi

fan traveling. . . . on the way our is tour is this is us will invite you will visit crater tour area natural sulfur ijen regency banyuwangi. to aim to crater ijen, we are begin trip from denpasar- banyuwangi. crater mount ijen be one of [the tour aim region at east java always crowded visited domestic tourist also foreign countries. to aim to crater ijen, trip will across protected forest beauty and coffee estate. sometimes, alongside trip aims to crater natural sulfur ijen , being seen sulphur miner being in delivery truck vehicle is aiming to crater ijen, trip very challenge and of course take energy.
crater ijen end we are arrive at area paltuding, region that is be starting points aims to crater ijen. to return energy that is drained, we are acres even also unanimous to take a rest a moment.
morning even also approach. correct blow 5 indonesias times west, we are acres even also continue trip aims to crater ijen. tour trip to crater ijen, begun from paltuding that is be a post perhutani at hillside merapi- natural sulfur ijen. to aim to crater ijen a guide very need. baim our is guide is this.
soil road will rise with height two thousands meters four hundred above sea level we are shall pass by with will walk. follow baim, only specialize for vulcanology operator.
alongside trip, be seen sulphur transports since morning beraktivitas. boots rarely workers even also imply us to always heart on the way. this is workers is usually comes from banyuwangi and bondowoso.
crater lake ijen be a lake located in top of the mountain part ijen. crater mount explosion process arena filled water so that form crater lake very beautiful and amaze. crater lake ijen this is is green coloured the water toska and ber-ph very sour.
crater ijendi half south east found field solfatara that is be crater lake wall ijen. will arrive at scenery crater lip will amaze soon saji before very eyes. a green lake with diameter around one kilometer berselimut mist and sulphur smoke presents far under. from here visitor can see sulphur mineworkers that is reside in near lake.
crater ijen for aim to lake, visitor must descend ledge stoney kaldera pass footpath also usually be passed by mineworkers. wet handkerchief very is need here because oftentimes wind merection blews to bring smoke aims to depreciation stripe. crater water enough calm and rather blue green coloured. scenery there seen so amaze at morning.
uniqueness ijen another sulphur mining place very tradisional that is is the transportation process wears manner is shoulderred manpower. this is tradisional mining is they are say only found in indonesia that is is at welirang and ijen. sulphur taking place found at base crater in a lino with lake surface.
this is sulphur pebbles be taken by miner. previous sulphur is cut constructively crowbar and then merect carried to use basketball.
crater ijen mount crater ijen has resource volcano varies and very potential  sublimat sulphur that is can be maked use to various chemistry industrial need.
sexy spring source bertipe sulphuric acid khlorida with temperature seventy degrees celcius and ph around two comma six found approached field solfatara ijen. crater lake ijen be reactor multi component deepen it happen various process, good also chemistry among others gas deliverance magmatik, pelarutan rock, precipitation, new materials formation and solution return substances that is formed so that is produce lake water very sour and contain ingredient is menysolved with concentration very tall.
crater ijenselain aim lake surface, visitor can also surround kaldera that is consume time approximately all day long full.
fan traveling …. ascent to crater ijen usually suggested begun in morning. by ascent security reason from paltuding closed axis free axis blow fourteen draft of indonesia times west because the thick smoke and wind merection possibility that is aim to ascent stripe.
well. . good this is trip can be your is holiday reference with family. .
and visit then this is site to gets various uniqueness information, culture and balinese nature enchantment also archipelago.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Paradise on the lake Maninjau

Paradise on the Maninjau Lake is a lake in the district of Tanjung Raya, Agam regency, West Sumatra province, Indonesia. The lake is located about 140 km north of Padang, West Sumatra's capital, 36 kilometers from Bukittinggi, 27 kilometers from Lubuk cone, Agam regency capital.

Paradise on the Maninjau which is a volcanic lake is located at a height of 461.50 meters above sea level. Size Maninjau approximately 99.5 km ² and has a maximum depth of 495 meters. Cekungannya formed due to volcanic eruption called Sitinjau (according to local legend), this can be seen from the shape of the hill around the lake that resembles like a wall.

According to the legend in Ranah Minang, the existence of Lake Maninjau closely related to the story of Bujang Nine.

Paradise on the Lake Maninjau a source of water to the river named Rod Antokan. In one part of the lake, which is upstream from there Antokan Batang Hydroelectric Maninjau. The highest peak around Lake Maninjau diperbukitan known as Puncak Lawang. To be able to reach the lake from the direction of Bukittinggi Maninjau if it will pass through a winding road known as Curved 44 along approximately 10 km starting from the morning until the Maninjau Ambun.

The lake is listed as the eleventh largest lake in Indonesia. While in West Sumatra, Maninjau is the second largest lake after Lake Batur which has an area of ​​129.69 km ² are located in two districts of Tanah Datar and Solok district. In the vicinity of Lake Maninjau there are tourist facilities, such as Hotel (Maninjau Indah Hotel, Pasir Panjang Permai) as well as lodging and restaurants.

Sianok canyon has beautiful scenery

Sianok canyon is a steep valley (cliff) located in the border town of Bukittinggi, with District IV Koto, Agam regency, West Sumatra. The valley is elongated and meandering as the southern border town of Koto Gadang canyon until the canyon Sianok Six Tribe, and ends up Palupuh.

Sianok canyon has beautiful scenery and become one of the main tourist attractions of West Sumatra province.

This gap within approximately 100 m stretches along 15 km with a width of approximately 200 m and is part of the fault that separates the island of Sumatra in half lengthwise (Fault Semangko).

This fault forms a steep wall, even perpendicular and form a green valley - the result of decreased movement of earth crust (sinklinal) - who fed bars Sianok (mean stem of the river, in the Minangkabau language) where the water is clear. In the Dutch colonial era, this gap also called buffalo sanget, because of the many free-living wild buffalo in the bottom of the canyon.

Sianok rod can now be forded by using the canoe and kayak yg disaranai by a water sports organization "Qurays". The route taken is from village to village Sitingkai Lambah Stem Palupuh for about 3.5 hours. At the edges still found many rare plants such as Rafflesia and medicinal plants. The fauna found such long-tailed monkeys, gibbons, hoop, deer, wild boar, leopard, and tapirs.

how beautiful the lake shelf

Lake Batur located in two districts in West Sumatra, Kabupaten Solok and Tanah Datar. With an area of ​​107.8 sq km lake is the 2nd largest lake on the island of Sumatra. This lake is upstream Ombilin Trunk. The water of the lake was partially drained through the tunnel through the Bukit Barisan to Batang Anai Singkarak hydropower generator to drive near Lubuk Alung, Padang Pariaman.

Fish Bilih (Mystacoleucus padangensis) is a species of fish are expected to only live in this lake, and become one of the specialties.

Research experts reveal 19 species of freshwater fish living in habitats of Lake Batur, Solok and Tanah Datar district, West Sumatera (Sumatra), with the limited availability of food materials.

With only 19 species of fish that live in Lake Batur show the diversity of fish in places that are not too high. Condition mesogotrofik Singkarak causing this habitat carrying capacity for development and growth of aquatic organisms such as plankton and betos, very limited.

Lake Batur located in the geographical coordinates of 0, 36 degrees south latitude (LS) and 100.3 east longitude (BT) with a height of 363.5 meters above sea level (masl). Water surface area reaches 11,200 hectares of Lake Batur with a maximum length of 20 kilometers and 6.5 kilometers wide and a depth of 268 meters. This lake has a water catchment areas along the 1076 kilometers with rainfall 82 to 252 millimeters per month

welcome beautiful in Lake Toba

Lake Toba is a volcanic lake with a length of 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide, located in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. In the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called Pulau Samosir.

Lake Toba has long become an important tourist destination in North Sumatra in addition to Bukit Lawang and Nias, attract domestic and foreign tourists.

It is estimated that Lake Toba explosion occurred at about 73000-75000 years ago and an eruption Supervolcano (super volcano), the largest in the history of planet earth for 25 million years.

Even the Toba eruption is considered as a cause of major extinctions that occurred and shrinking population living creatures that exist on earth. According to the opinion of Stanley H. Ambrose of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1998 said that the Toba eruption leaving only some tens of thousands of people remaining on earth.

Another illustration depicting how powerful the Toba eruption is to imagine that volcanic dust was blown from a buildup of dust explosion in India as high as 6 meters.

Bill Rose and Craig Chesner from Michigan Technological University estimate that volcanic materials spewed out of the mountain as much as 2800 km ³, with 800 km ³ of rock Ignimbrite and 2,000 km ³ of volcanic ash which is expected in the wind to the west for 2 weeks. Volcanic dust in the wind has spread to half the earth, from China to South Africa. Explosion occurred during 1 week and throw the dust up to 10 km above sea level.

This incident caused mass death and the extinction of some species also followed. The eruption was also contributed to the occurrence of ice ages, although some experts who argue there.

After the eruption, the caldera formed which is then filled with water and became what is now known as Lake Toba. Pressure upward by magma that has not come out cause the emergence of Samosir Island.

mascot of tourism in West Sumatra is valley Anai

One of the many natural resources has become a tourist attraction and also the mascot of tourism in West Sumatra is valley Anai waterfall. Or the usual waterfall Minang people call AIA or AIA mancua tajun Anai Valley is situated on the edge of the lane between the trans-Sumatran city of Padang and Bukittinggi.

Waterfall about 35 meters altitude is part of the Batang River flows into the local village chief in the fracture Anai. By Anai Valley local government area is actually used as a nature reserve that serves as a provider of water, spatial arrangement of water (flooding and erosion), micro-climate stability, the manufacturer of oxygen and absorbing CO2.

However, as the impact of
many tourism sector in the country that caused many regions competing to maximize the potential of the region to attract tourists, then some areas of nature reserves is ultimately serve as a tourist attraction.

To enter the waterfall area Anai Valley visitors simply subjected to a relatively low cost. Furthermore, if you want to be near a waterfall, had to walk back and climb a few stairs and through a few pieces gazebo that used to rest. Having arrived at the site, visitors can listen to the waterfall sounds while enjoying the natural beauty and the cool mountain atmosphere and comfortable. And, for visitors who want to experience the beauty of the gurgling sound of water at night, around the location of the waterfall is also available acreage for camping

samosir green island

The island is situated in the middle of Lake Toba. Samosir green Island itself is surrounded by mountains, our eyes look to wherever we will always find a mountain. No wonder the air is very cold there. Given green Island Samosir Island is located in the highlands around 700-1995 meters above sea level.

To go to
green Island Samosir island itself can be achieved in two ways, first we can cross the lake Toba through Ajibata and secondly we can pass Berastagi. Both of you who decide to stay. The beauty of the island of green Island Samosir will make you swayed by the green mountains and cool air. You will truly feel refreshed after a single night on the island of green Island Samosir.

From Medan, you just choose between passing Berastagi or Prapat. From Medan to Prapat takes about 4 hours drive and connected with a cross using the ferry journey takes 1 hour.
While from Brastagi only 3 hours.

Places to stay on Samosir many and varied. Each offers the most beautiful sights of Lake Toba. Inn-inn is situated on the outskirts of Lake Toba

To tour around the island of Samosir, you can use a Bemo (motor rickshaw) is very popular in North Sumatra, it will cost about USD 10.000, - depending on the distance your destination. Or you can use public transport available.

You can stroll around the island of Samosir, you can be fishing at the edge of Lake Toba and you can visit the attractions that exist there. Or you can wash the eyes in the region Tomok.


Berastagi is situated at an altitude of about 4594 feet above sea level and surrounded by mountain ranges. have the cool air of the beautiful expanse of farm fields, broad, green.

Berastagi is a tourist destination that has a complete facility in Tanah Karo, such as hotels, restaurants, golf and others until the hotel can charge relatively affordable.
Brastagi also known by the nickname of "Passion Fruit & Orange Sweet. "

Formerly Berastagi is one of the favorite places for the Dutch Colonial that is domiciled in Medan to spend their vacation time, 66km away from Medan with a height of 4600 feet (above sea level) is cool and pleasant city.

Berastagi is also an ideal spot for day trips begin and end as close to the center of Sumatra in Medan.

There are hotels of various standards, and good restaurant food service Indonesian and Western style, with beautiful scenery and the people are friendly and polite.

There will be no sellers and guides that will interfere in the walking street in the city.

city of Bukittinggi

The city of Bukittinggi is one of the cities in West Sumatra, Indonesia. The city has an area of ​​25.24 km ² and a population of about 100,000 people. Can be reached with about 2 hours journey by road (90 km) from the city of Padang is the capital of West Sumatra province. Bukittinggi is surrounded by three volcanoes of Mount Singgalang, Mount Marapi and Mount Sago.

City which is the hometown of Proclaimers RI - Bung Hatta, is a city of culture in West Sumatra and is famous Clock Tower, a landmark in the heart of Bukittinggi height shaped like a big clock Big Ben, which is a symbol of the town of Bukittinggi.

In addition, Bukittinggi is also famous as a tourist town berhawa cool, and siblings (sister city) with the Seremban Negeri Sembilan in Malaysia.

Bukittinggi is one of the main objectives in the field of trade on the island of Sumatra. Wholesale trade center for goods located in the town of Bukittinggi convection Aur Kuning Market. While ateh Market, Down Market, and Market Slope, which is located adjacent to the Clock Tower, is more of a tourist market which is close and is famous for its culture of Minangkabau culture is famous for handicrafts and souvenirs (Jl. Minangkabau), and culinary tours in Los Lambuang - Slope Market.

During Dutch rule, Bukittinggi is always enhanced its role in state administration, from the so-called Gemetelyk Resort based Stbl 1828. The Netherlands has established a stronghold of defense in 1825, which until now blockhouse is still a dam known as the Fort Fort de Kock. The city has been used also by the Dutch as the resting place of officers who are in the area towns.

During Japanese rule, Bukittinggi serve as the central control of its military government for the Sumatra region, even to Singapore and Thailand, because here is domiciled military commander to 25. At this time Bukittinggi changed its name from Fort de Kock Stadsgemeente be Bukittinggi The Yaku Sho, whose land extended to include village-village Sianok, Gadut, Kapau, Ampang Tower, Bukit Batu Taba and Batabuah that now all of them now in Agam regency, in The city is also the Japanese army established the largest radio transmitter to the island of Sumatra in order to raise the spirit of the people to support the interests of the Greater East Asia War Japanese version.

During the struggle for independence, Bukitinggi role as the city struggles. From December 1948 until June 1949, was appointed as the capital of Bukittinggi Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (Emergency), after falling into the hands of the Dutch in Yogyakarta. Furthermore, once the capital of Bukittinggi Sumatra province with a governor Mr. Tengku Muhammad Hasan.
Later in the PP Act No Substitute. 4 years 1959, Bukittinggi established as the capital of Central Sumatra, including residency, residency of West Sumatra, Jambi and Riau are now each prefecture has become its own province.

Bukittinggi has a nickname as the "city tour" because of the many attractions located in this city. Valley Sianok canyon is one of the main tourist attraction. Panorama Park located in the town of Bukittinggi allows tourists to see the beautiful scenery Sianok canyon. Panorama Park In the cave there is also a former Japanese soldier hiding during World War II, called as the 'hole of Japan'.

In the Garden there Kanduang Bundo Tower replica house that serves as a museum of Minangkabau culture, the zoo and the fortress Fort de Kock is connected by a pedestrian bridge called the Bridge Limpapeh. Limpapeh pedestrian bridge above the road A. Yani which is the main street in the town of Bukittinggi.

Top Market located adjacent to the Clock Tower which is the center of the city. In the Upper Market is always crowded there are many food sellers and small embroidery craft souvenirs typical of West Sumatra as Karupuak Sanjai (cassava chips ala Sanjai in Bukittinggi area) is made from cassava, as well as Karupuak Jangek (Crackers skin) made of cow leather or buffalo and Karak Kaliang, a kind of typical Bukittinggi snacks shaped like a figure 8.

Maninjau Lake is located about 36 km or about 45 minutes away by car from the town of Bukittinggi.

Geographically, Bukittinggi, consisting of the hills. Therefore the way up and down, based on the hill that was then, divided government (before the New Order break it down into the village), into 5 elliptic which is also called the Kurai Limo Jorong (Jorong Guguak Long, Jorong Mandiangin Selayan Koto, Jorong Hill Gate Chic Kabun, Jorong AUA Birugo, and Jorong Tigo Baleh).

And at this moment also has built a modern shopping center in Bukittinggi.

The hotels are located in the town of Bukittinggi between The Hills (formerly Novotel), hotels Pusako, and other hotels.

Maimoon Palace

Maimoon Palace is a palace located in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Built in 1886. This palace was designed and completed in 1888 during the reign of Sultan Mahmud Al-Rashid. Today the palace is still inhabited by families Sultan. Meeting rooms, the royal family photos Deli, old Dutch furniture and various weapons, open to the public who wish to visit it.

One block from the palace Maimun towards the east, stands the Grand Mosque with a charming architect is an attraction for tourists who visit to Medan and very admirable.

Historically, the grandeur of the Palace Maimoon proportional to the prosperity of the Sultanate of Delhi at the time of Ma'mun ar-Rashid Sultan Perkasa Alam, Sultan of the 8th and the founder of the palace. Sultan of Deli which also became head of the Indigenous People's land lease approximately 4000 square shoulder (1 shoulder = 0.74 ha) to the Dutch businessman for tobacco plantations known as Tobacco Deli.

History records, through a civil contract known as Concession Deed, in July 1863, dikelolalah land by several Dutch private companies, among them Maatchappij and Deli Deli Maatschapij Cultuur. From the results of leasing the land, the sultanate great profit so as to build public facilities. Masjid Raya Medan, Labuhan Deli Mosque, and the Palace Maimoon recorded as imposing building which was built at that time. Tobacco plantations continue to grow from year to year, until in 1874, the number of Dutch companies reached 22 pieces.

The rapid economic progress and intensity of contact with local culture outside, gave birth to the graceful style of culture, as seen in the architecture of the Palace buildings Maimoon. The building of this palace is the result of a blend of Malay architectural style, the Arab, Moghul, India, and Europe. In the front staircase, marble inscription written plastered with haruf Dutch-speaking Latin. Its construction is said to spend funds for Fl 100,000 (or the equivalent of 1 million Dutch guilders).

The palace was built on August 26, 1888 consists of two floors with a height of 14.40 meters. At the front, there are 28 children with staircase staircase made of sleek Italian marble. Walls and roofs are decorated ornaments blend of Malay and the Middle East. The architect, TH Van Erp the Dutch nationality, designing forms of doors and windows with a width and height in the style of Dutch architecture. But, there are also several Spanish-style doors.

The influence of Islamic Arabic arches visible from the presence (arcade) on the roof with high arches ranges from five to eight meters. The entire building sustained 82 octagonal stone pillars and 43 wooden pillars with arches inverted boat-shaped hull and shoe horses.

Shortly after enjoying the outside of the palace, you can enter the room in which is divided from the parent space, the right wing and left wing.
Pyramid-shaped roof and the dome is just above the three-room. In the main room (hall), covering an area of ​​412 meters, there is a throne decorated with light yellow crystalline beauty of Europe. This space is where the coronation ceremonies of kings and other traditional ceremonies. In this place also, the Emperor received the other imperial princes. Meanwhile, on the walls of this room is framed photo sultans Deli and empress.

Apart from the throne, the room is decorated with colorful ornaments with this beautiful also contained some relics of the Sultanate of Deli items, such as a dagger, sword, royal umbrellas, spears, five gebuk (where water for washing the hands and feet of the sultan), and slap betel . All objects are preserved quite well. From this room, can be witnessed Malay carvings, such as bamboo shoots shoots motif on the outskirts of lesplank.

Other rooms that used to be the king's personal space, empress, and her family are now used for other purposes. There used to showcase the souvenirs and some are used to store the imperial heritage objects.

Maimoon Palace located in an area of ​​four hectares. The palace itself has an area of ​​2772 square meters and 30 rooms. Since 1946, the palace was occupied by the heirs of the Sultanate of Deli. Various Malay traditional performing arts are often held in order to enliven the days of Islam.

The value of history and culture of the Palace Maimoon invite click amazed the visitors. However, its tourism potential untapped optimally. Various parties, both government and private agencies are now seriously trying to care for and beautify the physical condition of the castle by maintaining its original shape.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sade village

Sade village located on the edge of the road from Mataram to the Praya, Central Lombok's capital.

Distance from Mataram city about 20 miles or half an hour away by car. For tourists who want to it can use public transportation from the city of Mataram into the Praya. Quite a lot of public transportation here.

Sade village located in District Pujut, Central Lombok district inhabited by 152 heads of households (HH) and the number of families of about 700 people. All heads of families in the village have livelihoods of farmers. While the women have a second job with a weaving loom not a machine

Work is a sideline weaving women here, after finished with the work in the fields. The results are then collected fabrics for sale in cooperative art shop.

Sade citizens in the form of woven tablecloth, woven sarongs, woven sal, songket fabric, scarves and others. Weave the overhang-overhang on display at their homes or in gasebo around the house. While the tourists can walk around down the alley from house to house residents Sade.

Price woven fabrics are sold in the village of Sade worth between USD 50-200 thousand.
Proceeds from sales are divided every month. Each member of the cooperative could get between USD $ 100-150 thousand per month. The size of income depends on the least crowded of tourists who come here.

In selling their woven between art shop with each other already have a benchmark. So that the same goods are not much different from the price.

Harmony also occur in between tour guide whose numbers 12 people. They guide the tourists who come to the village of Sade with seikhlasnya benefits from tourists who dipandunya.

Then the money is collected into a single guide to the coordinator and divided every afternoon. Masedi admitted each day can be pocketed the money from guiding tourists amounted to USD 100-150 thousand.

In addition to seeing the results of woven, tourists can also see the traditional house Sasak tribe called Farmer Bale. The traditional house made of wood, bamboo and sago palm leaves as roof.

Farmer Bale consists of two parts, namely the overhang and space. This room is separated by a door that is strong enough. Overhang where the father, mother and son sleep. While in the room used for girls and mothers melahirkan.Emperan is made high above the knee adults. Then the space in three traps connected to the entrance. In the overhang of a bed and a mat for bedding.

Farmer Bale pristine floors made of clay. Every week once the floor was smeared with cow dung or buffalo. The point for mosquitoes do not like being at home in addition to reliable to remove magical attacks aimed at the occupants of the house.

Sade village also has a tombstone to plant indigenous to the person who has died. Planting headstone done a week later by holding a 'salvation. " By inviting a neighbor and then recited the verses of the Koran until dawn.

Tanjung Aan

To the south of Kuta Beach Lombok there. Tanjung Aan Beach is located not far from Kuta Beach and is a beach lovers paradise for beach tourism.

Exceptional natural conditions in Tanjung Aan is a sand beach pepper. It's just one thing less support from the natural beauty of the coast of Tanjung Aan is the existence of local young children who sometimes disrupt your travel comfort seeking tranquility while enjoying the beauty of the beach.

This beach extends the length of the beach about 1 kilometer.

Large waves that hit the reef, sea water is bluish green, white sandy beaches add to the beauty of this.